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QUESTION Where to visit in Belgium & Holland

Ian L

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Hi Guys I've talked my other half into a 8 day touring holiday in the motorcaravan to the 'low countries' ;) we are setting off Friday evening (tomorrow) via Dover / Calais. I want to find WW1 battlefields and places of interest enroute but having never visited I have no idea where to start ? We will be heading east into Belgium & may do Holland ? thanks Ian & Jane.

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Hello Ian, if you start at Nieuwpoort where the Yser flows in to the sea and follow this river almost to Ieper then you are really following the front line in Belgium. Just pop in at my home if you are in the region of Ieper, I live at Menin (yes the city where the Menin gate comes from) .

You can always send my a pm.



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Hello Ian, if you start at Nieuwpoort where the Yser flows in to the sea and follow this river almost to Ieper then you are really following the front line in Belgium. Just pop in at my home if you are in the region of Ieper, I live at Menin (yes the city where the Menin gate comes from) .

You can always send my a pm.



Hi Guy can you email me your address mate & we'll see you next week, any more info please :D
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Here you go. You can always leave Jane in Ipers for the day. One of the things about Belgium chuck a stone in any direction, where it lands you'll find something. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mont_Sorrel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hill_60_(Western_Front) Tell her she can have two days. The musuem at Zoonebeke is another must place to visit.



Edited by Tony B
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Now problem Ian I know al these places, you really need a few day's if you want to see a small part of the ww1 battle fields round Ieper.




Though on the plus side! There's plenty there to keep 'Her' amused whilst you are doing important things! Choclate , wine , plenty of shops....:-D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Flanders_Fields The CCS and cemetry where Mc Crea wrote the poem is just to the southEast of Ipere.

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Get to Nijmegan (spell check please on isle 21!!) drive thru Belgium into Netherlands.


When I was 13 I visited an Uncle in the forces in Brunssum, travelled the whole area.


Followed the Landing Zones and Drop Zones from maps, located fields and structures, found part of the maginot line buried and still with Barbed wire on etc.

Spent every school holiday over there with him, stayed on base in his quaters (Officer, RAF) dhopped in the NAAFI, met other NATO guys from different nationalities etc.


Great learning curve for a teenager.


Would recommend it to anyone!

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Thanks for all your suggestions lads, met up with 'Guy' guy66 on Monday and spent the morning looking at his 'museum' and then he gave us a tour round the area including Hill 60. Tyne Cott cemetary and loads of other sites than we would not of found.

Off to Hill 62 & Paschendale museum this afternoon, anymore ideas in the Ypres area ? Cheers.

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Zonnebec! Just up the road,


Done :saluting: and cycled to the Hooge Crater Museum (in the rain) which is the best museum so far.

Now its payback time, an afternoon of retail therapy in Ypres for Jane :embarrassed: god these woman want so much.

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Done :saluting: and cycled to the Hooge Crater Museum (in the rain) which is the best museum so far.

Now its payback time, an afternoon of retail therapy in Ypres for Jane :embarrassed: god these woman want so much.


Poor you, so she'll get you to come along to buy shoes?

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