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Whats missing from this picture.... (Scorpion turret)

BRDM Driver

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Been adding bits to my turret but there are still some mystery missing items.


Can anyone enlighten me?


These bolt holes are on the commanders side, behind his left shoulder.

commandser side turret.jpg


Gunners side:

gunners side.jpg


Commanders side:

commanders side.jpg


Any info most welcome!

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It's been over 30 years and the canvas is blank. but my memory is screaming that the turret ring behind the commander's shoulder had some narrow trays. I was going to suggest they had inserts, maybe for something like 1" signal flares, but second thought is "no insert: good place to stick a handful of boiled sweets."


Not a lot of help. Sorry.

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I posted those pics on Arrse too and got a flood of contradictory stuff back, but they seem to think there were some Stirling Mag holders back behind the commanders shoulder, but my vehicle has SA80 holders in so maybe not...


Anyway, hopefully someone with a restored vehicle will know.

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This might help, later in the video is the inside of the turret of my Scorpion.


Hi Martin, thanks for that.


On the gunners side, you have an IB3 and nothing where I have my IB2 so i guess that explains one missing item.


I noticed you have this box:




What is it?


On the gunners side it looks pretty much the same except there might be two ARFAT's making three altogether???

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Hi Martin, thanks for that.


On the gunners side, you have an IB3 and nothing where I have my IB2 so i guess that explains one missing item.


I noticed you have this box:




What is it?


On the gunners side it looks pretty much the same except there might be two ARFAT's making three altogether???


this is the ECC BOX.

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Just not the one that's been auto-linked!


Unless there's something you want to share with us ... ?


Well isn't that bizarre? When I read the post two back, "yellow handbag" was highlighted and underscored and linked to a yellow handbag for sale.


Now when I read my reply (one back) neither "yellow handbag" is so linked. Spooky. Sounds like a job for Scooby Doo.

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