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Fed Ex scam

Tony B

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I must be relativly lucky. It's the first of this type I've had. Will be much more careful in future!


There are so many

-Bank confirmation scams

-E-card delivered (scam?)

-Offcourse the "you won a gazillion $$$$" scam).

-Paypal scams

-UPS/FEDEX/Carrierpigeon scams...


A mild form of paranoia is advised.

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Biggest clue that it's a scam is that it won't have your name in the email... it will say "Dear Sir" "Dear Customer" etc... if genuine the company sending the email will know your details & they will be in the email


and poor spelling and grammar...


I got a very convincing one today about our company email account.


It all looked legit until the last comment where it said "please do the needful"


As for the emails from Saddam Hussein, Gahdaffi, and all the other deposed leader's family members asking to stash their cash in my bank account, I keep them as proof I'm popular :D

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Not aimed at you tony, what I meant was stories in the paper of people falling for it.

Read a story a few months back of some middle aged woman falling for one and ended up sending some african fraudster about £50000!!!!:shocked:


No offence taken. The e-mail was technically very good. Though I wish someone would offer me free money. All I seem to get is adverts for little blue pills. :-(

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'Scamming the Scammers' is now an accepted pastime and very amusing too :D..

when you've got the time , have a look at this website..

there are some hilarious tales on here of how folk have 'reversed' a scam back onto the person from whence it came..




Of particular excellence is the one in the 'history' section from a fella that managed somehow to get some chap in Africa to read the entire 'A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' book onto cassette tapes for him ...

...I'm telling you ....it's awesome stuff :D

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Well, at this time of year, you should all be Charitable. If any members would be gracious enough to forward UK Bank Cheques, or UK Postal Orders to me.

You would be supporting a VERY worthwhile Cause.


It is the 'Swell Mike's Vehicle Collection' Cause. This would enable me to expand my collection & storage facilites, & also benifit members of the public & other Exhibitors at Vehicle shows. They would thus be enabled to wonder & Marvel at the amount of Lovely Green Machines I would be able to show & educate them all with.


I can assure you, that this is a VERY Worthwhile cause! (Well, I thinks it is very worthy, anyway!....)

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Well, at this time of year, you should all be Charitable. If any members would be gracious enough to forward UK Bank Cheques, or UK Postal Orders to me.

You would be supporting a VERY worthwhile Cause.


It is the 'Swell Mike's Vehicle Collection' Cause. This would enable me to expand my collection & storage facilites, & also benifit members of the public & other Exhibitors at Vehicle shows. They would thus be enabled to wonder & Marvel at the amount of Lovely Green Machines I would be able to show & educate them all with.


I can assure you, that this is a VERY Worthwhile cause! (Well, I thinks it is very worthy, anyway!....)


I'll send a 2000 Euro check to you.

Its a bit to much, I only have cheques for that amount.

However if you send a envelope with 500 Euroto my postbox we'll be fine.

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The one that really wound me up was the alleged phone call from Microsoft..

You pick up the phone and a voice with an Indian accent you could cut with a knife says "Hello my name is < something like Micheal or John> and I am calling from Microsoft technical support department. We have detected a virus on your PC and need to connect to your PC to fix it for you"

Having had 3 or 4 in one day I got well and truly steamed so rather than just hanging up mid-way through "microsoft" I let the idiot the other end continue. No mention of a a charge was mad at this point so I assumed the intent was to upload a chink of mal-ware to the PC so they could use it to spam other users of the net.

So I asked if he really were from Microsoft - he said yes

I asked if here were based in Seattle or London - he said Seattle

I asked what the virus was and he read out a nice script about something that captures passwords - no doubt exactly what they planned on uploading

So I closed with "Thanks for the time taken to answer my questions - you've set my mind at rest. Whilst you were blathering away I had an IP trace running - didn't you know that when you dial a VOIP phone you might hide the number but you can't hide the IP address from the router logs? I now know you are calling from India - I know who the address is registered to and I've just emailed this to the local police anti-fraud unit and the Indian Embassy here in London. Have a nice day when your police come knocking."

Never had a call like that since :-)

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The one that really wound me up was the alleged phone call from Microsoft..

You pick up the phone and a voice with an Indian accent you could cut with a knife says "Hello my name is < something like Micheal or John> and I am calling from Microsoft technical support department. We have detected a virus on your PC and need to connect to your PC to fix it for you"

Having had 3 or 4 in one day I got well and truly steamed so rather than just hanging up mid-way through "microsoft" I let the idiot the other end continue. No mention of a a charge was mad at this point so I assumed the intent was to upload a chink of mal-ware to the PC so they could use it to spam other users of the net.

So I asked if he really were from Microsoft - he said yes

I asked if here were based in Seattle or London - he said Seattle

I asked what the virus was and he read out a nice script about something that captures passwords - no doubt exactly what they planned on uploading

So I closed with "Thanks for the time taken to answer my questions - you've set my mind at rest. Whilst you were blathering away I had an IP trace running - didn't you know that when you dial a VOIP phone you might hide the number but you can't hide the IP address from the router logs? I now know you are calling from India - I know who the address is registered to and I've just emailed this to the local police anti-fraud unit and the Indian Embassy here in London. Have a nice day when your police come knocking."

Never had a call like that since :-)


Mother in law had that one, the bloke was very insisteny that she had one and that she needed to allow him access to sort it out. Even though she insisted she had no problems which she could definitely guarantee as she has no PC.


Get stuff like this at work all the time, ever since my email got atted to a clients intranet site.

I now get new friends on Facebook - which is amazing as I am not on there.

I have more parcels being delivered than Santa at Christmas.

Have booked more hotel rooms and flights that I can physically take.

Also get ones saying somebody has sent me a fax/image from a mobile phone.

I use my favourite DELETE key, might need a new on soon



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i was called yet again today by the Indian accented guy claiming to be a Microsoft technician. Following Neil's advice I questioned him and under pressure he said he didn't actually work for Microsoft but avoided answering exactly which company employed him but claimed he was based in Norwich. When we got to the bit about having traced his IP address and informing the police he appeared to think that was quite funny and invited me to inform anyone who I cared to.

This was the fifth time I've been called by him, it now remains to be seen if he will try again.

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i was called yet again today by the Indian accented guy claiming to be a Microsoft technician. Following Neil's advice I questioned him and under pressure he said he didn't actually work for Microsoft but avoided answering exactly which company employed him but claimed he was based in Norwich. When we got to the bit about having traced his IP address and informing the police he appeared to think that was quite funny and invited me to inform anyone who I cared to.

This was the fifth time I've been called by him, it now remains to be seen if he will try again.

Why not just hang up? If you are not expecting a call why entertain them?

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