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Stoneleigh 2007

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i did.....

i spent more than russ for a change

i got my US uniform which looks real dead smart & then i treated myself to some proper scaffolding to go underneath



open at your own risk.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :schocked:

please note this is not a picture of me wearing my purchases but of a rather more slender version of the female species.


so now i've showed you mine you have to show me yours. ;-)



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i did.....

i spent more than russ for a change

i got my US uniform which looks real dead smart & then i treated myself to some proper scaffolding to go underneath



open at your own risk.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :schocked:

please note this is not a picture of me wearing my purchases but of a rather more slender version of the female species.


so now i've showed you mine you have to show me yours. ;-)





Can't do that, I don't wear woman's underwear.... :rofl:

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i did.....

i spent more than russ for a change

i got my US uniform which looks real dead smart & then i treated myself to some proper scaffolding to go underneath



open at your own risk.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :schocked:

please note this is not a picture of me wearing my purchases but of a rather more slender version of the female species.


so now i've showed you mine you have to show me yours. ;-)





Ye gods - that looks lethal Berni!!! :schocked: :schocked: :schocked:

Can you actually move whilst so clad????

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I was lucky enough to find a couple of hard to find bits.

Fairmount 11" Adjustable


width=640 height=221http://www.stc-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Fairmount1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=224http://www.stc-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Fairmount2.jpg[/img]


Schrader Guage,marked Us Property Ordnance Dept.


width=640 height=480http://www.stc-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Schrader1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=193http://www.stc-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Schrader2.jpg[/img]


I don't know if it works or not but I don't think I should unwrap it to find out.

Got a few other bits but these were the best.

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Wasn't it a huge difference to have a warm, well illuminated hall or two to stroll around rather than the cold concrete floored cattle sheds that we have endured for the past 15 years - A definate improvement, even if I did wear two coats and a scarf 8-)


Managed to get a nice repro set of Tankers bib & brace trousers and tankers jacket ready for when the Stuart finally turnes a track! I compaired them to my original set when I got back home and you have to hand it to these guys who repro this gear, in this instance, Soldier of Fortune - They are a bleeding good copy, and at only £50 for the bib & brace trousers. I bought the jacket from a french guy who wanted £45, so both Phil Benham and I got ourselves decked out for under £100 each.


The only thing I did consder on the way home is that we usually have our toys out to play in the hottest part of the year - So i'm not entirely sure that the idea of thick lined trousers and jackets inside an armoured vehicle in the middle of July is particularly appealing :roll:


Should have stopped by the stall that Berni did - They seem a little more lightweight :-D




PS - Stopped by the MVT Vehicle stand and introduced myself to John Pearson with the Valantine as per a previous request for HMVF members to get aquainted. John shook me firmly by the hand and said "What name do you go under then on HMVF?" I replied "Erm, Clive Stevens actually, I've got nothing to hide from!"

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PS - Stopped by the MVT Vehicle stand and introduced myself to John Pearson with the Valantine as per a previous request for HMVF members to get aquainted. John shook me firmly by the hand and said "What name do you go under then on HMVF?" I replied "Erm, Clive Stevens actually, I've got nothing to hide from!"


Ah!!! I have been caught out! I have absolutely NO ability with names. I even call my wife and children by the wrong names sometimes. I can't cope with real names let alone web or nick names but it looks like Clive has rumbled me!

One strange thing: there has been a bit of interest in some quarters about my Valentine and I have people come up to me, call me John and start talking. There then follows an agonising 15 minutes when I try to remember who the hell I am talking to and in what context I know them. Of course the problem really comes when I DON'T know the person and they have recognised me from a photo. The result must be what alkzheimers (sp?) is like!

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Its alright showing us tyre gauges and wrenches, Berni's was far more interesting. :whistle:



Totally agree, why would we.....think it is only right and proper that Berni takes us throught everything that she has bought over the last year :-D

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