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Greetings from sunny Somerset!


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Hi all & thanks to the admin for such a nice warm welcome!


The name's Stuart. I'm 31 & currently work as a welder fabricator for a multinational company based in Chard. Hopefully my experience in that field (harking back 15 years or so) will prove useful to one or more of you in the future, as I'm hoping you might be of help to me with my forthcoming project.


As of the time of writing this I don't actually own any ex military vehicles; my sole transport being a Triumph motorbike (Sadly not even an old one at that!). Within the next few weeks however, I hope to acquire a Bedford MJr flatbed or GS drop-sider; and you've probably guessed it... convert it into an expedition camper.


I've had the idea for some time now and have scoured the internet for the ideal base vehicle, finally arriving with the MJ as the most suitable, reliable & proven (in no small way thanks to the Big Orange Bedford, which is proving a massive source of inspiration & technical knowledge. Sincere congratulations to the creators of that!).


So long story short, I'm currently going through the motions with Withams and am visiting their facility this friday to take my pick of what seem to be some excellent examples.


I've already learned so much from this forum, so decided to join & learn even more. I'll probably have lots of questions in the coming months regarding the conversion, so will hopefully be getting to know many of you quite well.


In the meantime, If I can help anyone in matters of welding, fabrication or engineering & design in general I'll be more than happy to do so.


Look forward to seeing you all on the forums.


(Profile bit still to do. Watch this space!)

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Profile done now I think. Even got an album up there! Great place this! I've been a member of lots of forums & even had my own once but never found one as well put together as this before. I'm loving it already! Nice work, truly!

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Birthplace of powered flight it is! Thankfully not MY birthplace though! Hehe!


Thanks to all for such a warm welcome!


Now the proud owner (pending delivery) of... not an MJ but a Leyland DAF AWD sleeper 4ton cargo with tail lift & diff lock... strange how the dice land sometimes! Photos to come.


Going to put it to work just as soon as it's plated; means more money for the conversion, so hope to see you all on the road & at some of those events in the near future!

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