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My name is Adrienne and I am the Product Manager at Oxford Diecast. Previously I worked at Corgi for around 20 years. I have joined the site so that I can browse the images and look for information to assist me in gathering reference for our recently launched military model collection.

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Welcome Adrienne. What's all this about a forthcoming range of diecast HMVF characters? I saw Tony B sitting for a sculptor the other week in the Clubhouse and wondered what was going on. Shades of Saki's The Toys Of Peace - oh gawd :shake:

Edited by N.O.S.
wrong author!!!
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I've bought Oxford stuff before in 1/148 scale for use on model railway commissions I've built. Are there any plans to release the military models at this smaller scale in addition to 1/76?


Here's some of the 1/148 vehicles I've used. Lovely little models, and would have thought that in 1/148, the military would be popular with the 10 & 12mm wargamers.





Edited by Jessie The Jeep
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Hi and welcome in, I have a small collection of Oxford models, will there be anymore Civil Defence Corps and Auxiliary Fire Service vehicles? How about Mines Rescue Service?


Enjoy this brilliant forum



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Welcome Adrienne. What's all this about a forthcoming range of diecast HMVF characters? I saw Tony B sitting for a sculptor the other week in the Clubhouse and wondered what was going on. Shades of Saki's The Toys Of Peace - oh gawd :shake:


Welcome in Adrienne, as for the allegation I was posing, no I always appear that still when I'm working! As for modelas the world is crying out for some decent die cast Dodges and Austin Gipsys.

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Welcome.. Hope you are ready for a barrage of work related questions.. :D


We are slowly getting the new military vehicles filtering into New Zealand and since we are a sales outlet i am collecting them as they come in. Would be great if you could harrass them into building a MB or GPW jeep. I have already mentioned it to them and are aware that most of the range is of British/Euro design, but since the large amount of these being used by everyone it would be a great asset to the catalogue. Not to mention the lack of decent scale jeeps around.


Look forward to working with you.

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Welcome in Adrienne, as for the allegation I was posing, no I always appear that still when I'm working! As for modelas the world is crying out for some decent die cast Dodges and Austin Gipsys.


Welcome--- you might recognise my name- On request of Ron H I provided dimensions and pictures of my Coventry Climax trailer pump. The finish product is great . Now Austin Gipsy I also have one of those - drawings are availible and I will happily provide detail pictures etc .


Ted Angus.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, many thanks for all the suggestions - we do listen to what our collectors want and many of the models in the range have been initiated in this way. The Matadors, MWD's and others have been very well recieved and we hope to see the Pioneer soon and the Bedford OY and OX are not far off with around 7 different body styles. There are 3/4 models not yet announced that are very exciting. At this time we do not have any plans to release these models at 1:148 but may well do so in the future - will bring it up at our next meeting! There will be more Civil Defence/AFS liveries - keep an eye on our website for announcements.

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Only just seen this thread. Have seen the Matador and MW models and I must say I like them. Would agree with others that we need an Austin Gipsy model :D as at the moment there isn't anything out there which us Gipsy owners can claim!


Look forward to the new models coming out and keep up the good work.

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