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Fencing solutions for large shows

Steve 82




Am just in the process of sorting a simple barrier fence for my pitch at some of this seasons shows. Can anyone point me to a source of steel pickets from which I can support a heavy nylon line ?



Steve 82

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Local Council road maintainance yard? if you tell them what you do in displaying/educational purposes etc. you MIGHT get given some if you ask nicley!


Worth a try? I went to a tool & material outlet for the trade in my Own town. Told them the above & that I did fund raising displays for the British Legion Etc. & they GAVE me a whole bundle of NEW ones for free!


People can be very generous when it comes to our Forces Charities these days. The media coverage & documentories on TV

have raised the profile of them enoumously.


Make sure you DO attend some fund raising displays though. It might be seen as fraudulent if you got some given to you.

And you DIDNT use them at least some of the time for the above purposes!.....................


Also civil engineers yards are a good source for thes 'Pegs' as they are sometimes known. Again explain your purpose.

The ones I got are basicaly, reinforcing rods that have been heated up. & a Hook shape bent at one end to support ropes/lanterns/barrier plastic mesh, Etc.

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