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Should it play automatically when I go to the link? I have Google videoplayer installed & the only way I can view it is to download the video file then run it. To do this I have to bypass the warning that the file could contain harmful contents etc.


When I click on the link the Quicktime player comes on with a big "Q" on a black background for a few seconds then the background goes white with "?" superimposed on the "Q". Surely it should run automatically? YouTube is fine it just runs automatically but annoyingly those files can't be saved or is there a way?

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Ah fixed it! On the player when it goes white on me I right click & there is an option to play all types of file, which I had selected ages ago. Curiously if I deselect them all & just do the default selection then it will allow autoplay :|.

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Much like a night at Cliv's with the ol' insecticide



At least there are no flies round here. Paul as you can see I had some problems loading the files all cured now. But now it won't let me find the options panel that was there. I have a problem now in that some links download slower than it is playing, so watching the video it get very stop & start, yet others are ok. There was a horizontal slider scale which was set half way & I moved it into quicker play setting but can't find it to put it back. Comes of meddling, but if I didn't meddle I would not have got the videos to play at all. Any ideas?

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Hmm, things Buffer due to amount of traffic and connection speed.

Do you use Internet Explorer? or Mozilla firefox?


I recommend the latter, Your security settings are also an issue, and also if you accept third party cookies . And again you need the right player and the relivent decoders. Could also be the speed and amount of memory you have allocated.


I use VLC player, its free and plays anything, Quicktime,Media and Real are a pain! as they never want to overlap and help each other!


Computers are such fun


You can also Download from anything you Stream...;) if you want to know more just ask..



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I use VLC player, its free and plays anything, Quicktime,Media and Real are a pain! as they never want to overlap and help each other! :computerterror:


I use IE 7, since I upgraded to that a couple of weeks ago I get occasions when everything goes unstable with menus flashing up around the screen & the button going sticky or non functional sometimes. I just wait & it clears sometimes I have to restart.


Anyway VLC looks good, I have downloaded it from Apple. But Windows can't open it, so I'm not sure what I need to work that. I am very wary of free down load sites as I wonder what else I might be inviting on board!


But as for the Quicktime player settings its annoying now its working I can't get to the controls I originally had. When I right click the options now are very limited about turning on the webcam etc.

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