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Horse don't lie to you. They will always tell you what they are going to do. You just have to be good enough to read them.


Correct......... just watch a horse move, its a majestic animal, horse and handler become very attached. I have driven sports cars, but I never found it has exhilirating as riding a spirited horse. Its not an inanimate object, its a living, breathing thing accompanied by a tinge of unpredictable danger, just something has simple has a peice paper or rag blowing in the wind can startle the horse, I suppose that you need to experience it to understand, its an animal with which you can bond very quickly.

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I have never heard the German front line to be known by those words in studying the subject for the last 50 years.

Which was the mine crater, now a pond, near Thiepval that you were digging near?



Age again Bob. I've just back checked, thankfully the computer has the memory. It was a place called Factory Farm near Ipere in 2007.

.Triple Alliance was the term the team digging used.

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Horse don't lie to you. They will always tell you what they are going to do. You just have to be good enough to read them.


All they have ever said to me is "Get off you fat b*st*rd!" Then kicked me on the way down without giving any warning of their intentions.


Oh yes, why don't the "Greens" complain about the exhaust emissions and fluid leaks and why are they allowed on the road with such poor steering and brakes? (Roadholding and cross country performance is good though!)


Daughter is the horsey one. I just pay, well I pay some of the costs anyway!

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Definition of a Horse Owner :Someone who stands in the mud and rain tearing up £10 notes'.:-D Though they are one of the few animals you really do trust your life to every time you get on one. There is a full proof way to avoid coming of a horse by the way, DON'T GET ON IN THE FIRST PLACE!

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