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Aircrew Cold Weather Liner


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The old "Chinese Fighting Suit" (liners, Extreme Cold Weather) were originally intended for wear beneath the DPM arctic windproof smock and trousers, although the smock liner at least could also be issued, and worn, beneath the standard combat smock.....


I'm not certain, but I think these liners are still issued for the current version of the DPM arctic windproof (most recent models made in ripstop fabric)...?


The trouser liner, when worn, made even the thinnest squaddie resemble Michelin-man.......and any exertion (eg - moving your body) made you sweat like crazy.......I never wore mine, preferring long johns under 68 pattern trousers with the arctic windies worn on top....:-)

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I remember them well. Every b*gger got issued them, don'tknow anyone who ever wore them - you must be an exception Tony!


Husky actually made a civillian version, including breeches length, stop about half way down the calf, long johns. They were great on horse back for winter excersise, provided you wore the old fashioned cord breeches. The military surplus ones were about £2 a set at the time around a tenth of the price of civvy ones. ARhhh dem were the days! Bury your feet in the muck heap to keep warm on cold mornings!:-D

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