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Austin Diffs.


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Hi, can anyone tell me if any of the rear Diffs from other Austin lorry's will fit on my K4? E.G. K2/3/6/9 ETC. The reason being the K4 is for sale but in the last week the Diff has started to make a nasty noise when going forward but not in reverse, which leads me to think its either the Crown wheel/Ring Gear etc, which I would guess will be expensive to have a new item made up.

Also can anyone recommend anywhere to find a Diff or a new parts made? Also roughly how much it would cost?





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I very rarely sell vehicles because they always seem to realise what's going on and throw some sort of expensive mechanical wobbly which leaves the choice of selling them for next to nothing or fixing them but of course once they're fixed, it seems a shame to sell them and then just when I decide to... :?

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