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Gotta introduce myself to a Forum? /:|

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Gotta introduce myself to a Forum? /:| Fair enough... My name is Luke, I am a great fan of Tanks and other military vehicles and I am looking for my first tank. I am not here to spam, Flame, Argue etc etc, I just wanna find great vehicles to start my collection, simple as :-)... Someone fancy showing me a list of vehicles to look up? I know a great vehicle when I see one ;)... Laterz

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Hi Luke, no you don't have to introduce yourself, it's just this is more than just a forum, we consider ourselves friends on here so it's a polite way of joining in.



Correct, you don't have to post an intro but the reason we ask is summed up in this paragraph of the forum rules which you read when you joined the forum..




That First Post.

When posting for the first time, consider introducing yourself, preferably with your real first name. This helps people think you're a real person. If you have accidentally forgotten to fill in most of the details in your profile, like where you come from or what you do for a living, consider going back now and plugging a few gaps so that, when somebody clicks to see whom you are, they don't find a load of blanks. It is nice for all of us to know who we are talking to.

To protect members from Scammers you may find posts in the classifieds section may be removed until an acceptable introduction has been made.

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LOL, Thanks guys... Its cool, I guess im not used to forum peeps being so close :P. I am looking for unique vehicles really, not the common tanks/trucks/jeeps etc, They are cool n that but I want my vehicles to stand out from the crowd :P, Not to be big headed or anything, its just people take more notice when an odd vehicle turns up :-), Its good to keep the masses interested that way, I see people just walk off when the same vehicle roles past over n over again but when a rare one turns up Everybody stops to get that great shot of it ya know? ;)...


I shall be going to a Lot more military shows and with hopefully a great collection so thats it I guess, I shall keep a good eye on Milweb and on various other sites, what other great vehicle sites are there?... Cheers

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