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Am I being too cynical?


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I am selling my Reo and it was recently on Milweb.

Today I got a call from an agent who has a buyer in Greece (have they any money?)

He hasn't asked for shipment fees and was talking about payment so I said cash or direct transfer only.My bank tells me that the latter is 100% safe.

I have sent pics and await further contact.

Strangely, a couple of hours later I got a call purporting to be from a mobile network who wanted to upgrade my phone for free.

This was suspicious as I have PAYG and only spend about £3 a month. I told him I had no friends!

What made me even more suspicious was they wanted my date of birth! I made apologies and rang off.

Am I paranoid or are they out to get me?

Thoughts please.


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sounds like a scam to be honest...they offer to send cheques and pay for the shipping but can you send back the remainder...the cheque has already been withdrawn and the money will be called back from your account.


The phone thing could be part of the same but I have not heard of the link, except that your number may have been picked up by a team of scammers and they are trying the list of scams on you to see if they can break you.

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Defo Scam Martin, Why would a PAYG supplier want any details at all? You simply buy a phone with a sim card in it & use it. They never need to know your D.O.B!


Anything important like Banks Etc aways write to you over account matters. They would never phone you usually. Beware of credit card companys contacting you by phone also. they always write to you. they like Banks, already have your details. So why would they want your D.O.B?

Play cautious & say NOTHING details wise on phones to ANYBODY! :nut:


I had the old cheque scam attempted on me over a German AMMO trailer a couple of years ago. I paid in the cheque even though I suspected a scam (Had a spare empty account) & informed 'Buyer' that I would not release the Trailer until funds had cleared. He was OK with that. the cheque failed to clear & was a fake. So I still have my trailer & NOT an empty account! :cool2:

How's things in 'Sunny'? Newhaven?

Warm Regards: Mike :D

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I have learnt to no longer give my phone number on milweb. I have an advert running on there at the moment. There are the usual dreamers who reply & there are often mischievous ones, who try to set you up with people who know nothing about the advert. But there are always some who are keen to discuss the finances written with unusual grammar, yet seem strangely disinterested in the "item" for sale, let alone come & look at it.


These I either ignore or reply in Borat speak.

Edited by fv1609
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I have learnt to no longer give my phone number on milweb. I have an advert running on there at the moment. There are the usual dreamers who reply & there are often mischievous ones, who try to set you up with people who know nothing about the advert. But there are always some who are keen to discuss the finances written with unusual grammar, yet seem strangely disinterested in the "item" for sale, let alone come & look at it.


These I either ignore or reply in Borat speak.


Looks like it was a scam as nothing more heard.

Thanks for all your input.


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just do as I do and put them on hold whilst I go for a piddle, have a cuppa etc, failing that you could just tell them to p*ss off! :)


Watch out for an Email saying its from the tax office about a refund ! Apparently its a nasty virus so don't open it ! I've had it several times now ! Unless I really am due a refund !:nut:

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I'm smiling as I read this thread....


You get used to scams on Yahoo, Ebay etc, but when I sold my 432 on Milweb, I was amazed to get several offers to buy the vehicle for a lot more than the asking price - as long as I didn't mind it going to the 'Isle of Jersey', or if 'and may God bless you and your family', I could meet the agent who was also buying a marine engine and give him any excess cash from the money transfer.


All classic scams - quite amusing really - and it would have been really tempting to reply, asking that all relevant paperwork be forwarded to the Police Internet Fraud Unit!!




Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42

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You all need to check out this site. They scam the scammers and some of the stuff they get up to will have you in tears of laughter.


I especially recommend the video section, this is where the scammers have to make a video doing something stupid, like setting fire of themselves thinking that they have scammed a film company into making them a stunt star. It's classic stuff.


Check it out




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Watch out for an Email saying its from the tax office about a refund ! Apparently its a nasty virus so don't open it ! I've had it several times now ! Unless I really am due a refund !:nut:

I got that one. As a professional, I invariably spot the scams before I have even opened the mail. I have to admit to having to look very hard at the raw unformatted e-mail * before I could be sure it was a scam.




* Depending on e-mail browser, look on the View menu for Page Source or similar

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