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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Very, Very nice work Paul will look good at Mustard's this year
  2. Definately an american bodied truck.
  3. You can tick the box at the bottom of the message to see if they have read it at least.
  4. Seeing as I was the first there, I am quite happy to organise again this year, or if someone wants to take the mantle be my guest. :-D
  5. Blimey did I say the 4th I meant the 10th July, I was thinking about American Independance day. The same question still stands though plenty of time. :tup::
  6. Hey mate I was hoping you would offer the WLF, best get some more barrels in then :-D
  7. Thank you Andy for your offer it will be noted.
  8. Gentleman and Ladies Myself and stollyriddle have a BIG favour to ask, here goes; We will be down at the War and Peace show from the 4th July (as normal) sometime from then on we hope to change the gearbox in the stolly as there is no reverse gear, for this we require some lifting gear i.e. WLF or such like (Mike,Mark,Vince)?? to lift the old one out and the new one in, plus some willing and knowledgeable hands, also we would like Lee or Harry to film the whole episode as a "How to" for HMVFTV it should make for some good footage and choice language no doubt!! In return we have on offer a beer tent stocked with Stella :beer: (2 barrels of course) tea, coffee :coffee: and food etc. some good banter, friendship and hopefully a stolly with a reverse gear at the end of it. If anyone would be up for this please run like hell now, no seriously if you can help we would be ever so grateful for the assistance and hopefully all gain some knowledge as well. :thanx: Regards
  9. Hi Mark welcome here and what a cracking name you have, all Mark's are exempt from duties in the clubhouse you know
  10. Class it as agriculture like my mates stolly
  11. Tim I have a good mate who is in the business of this, he makes and designs his own grass track bike engines using CNC, if you want to give me the overall dimensions I can soon get it priced up for you, at least then you have a number to go by.
  12. I have the complete one for the Reo on disc :coffee:
  13. Here is a picture of my one Jack as used at War and Peace 2006, 2007 and other shows. :cool2:
  14. Mark

    Harrys Handywork

    Interesting pictures catty when were they taken and by whom (you?)
  15. John The helicopters will be in a field away from the rest of us over the road and down a bit, due to the H & S part of life, we will be OK for the noise not becoming a nuisance. Serious answer. :-D
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