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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Farming World and Military Mayhem Nash Court Boughton Faversham Kent ME13 9SP By Car End M2 Junction 7, follow A299 heading towards Margate and take the first turning left after layby (signposted Farming World) and then follow the signs to Farming World. By Bus From Faversham or Canterbury: Take the Number 33A bus on Monday to Saturday and use the Arriva service on Sundays. Get off at the Brenley Corner East stop and then follow the signs to Farming World. By Train Faversham is the nearest train station to Farming World - You would then need to proceed by Bus or Taxi.
  2. Good luck Sean and keep at it
  3. WOW!!!! I am in there with you Dakman you have to relay the part where you come in for landing assuming you have 2 engines of course. Nicely put.
  4. See............it's not just me, us mods are only as good as the leader trains us to be. :sweat:
  5. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pfrt:
  6. Free vehicle entry to all exhibitors including 2 adults and 2 children, also includes free admission to Farming World. For more information contact myself on here or telephone 07920051951 or the Events Team on 07951059180 or email mayhemshow@ aol.com
  7. Hi Ya Bob welcome to the forum, sleeping is allowed in the clubhose after beer is consumed in vast quantity just ask Jack and Joris. :whistle:
  8. Nice looking vehicle there.
  9. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/TheVezdekhod.jpg[/img]
  10. Here is a link to the story http://www.shermantank.co.uk/
  11. Adam stick a call out on other chatter and you might get a response.
  12. Is that second picture a tiger??
  13. PAYPAL is OK, it is only those that sent cheques that will have to re-send to Jack, please PM me for the correct payee name unless Jack decides to put it up here. SORRY
  14. Hi Jason and welcome wherabouts are you from.
  15. SORRY is the word I will start off with. To those members who sent a cheque payment to Jack please accept my apologies I gave you the wrong information, the cheques should have been made out to PLEASE PM ME These cannot be cashed at all so I ask very nicely if you could send another to the same address payable to PLEASE PM ME. Once these have been received I will order the flags, to those members that have paid by other means I also apologise for the delay this is totally down to me. :oops: Once again my apologies mild slagging off is acceptable. Regards
  16. Mark

    How Much

    Thanks R Could not find that in the manual.
  17. The guy who HEADS the company is just that a figurehead, voice, spokesperson call it what you like, he joined the IMPS at the show as it was good PR, and what is £25.00 compared to "18,000,000. The company that owns the Hop Farm is a buisness and they are out to make as much money as they can by whatever means are available to them, and if that is building A: Holiday Camp, B: a golf course etc then they will, one show that runs for 5 days does not make enough money to keep the farm going. I for one do not want a holiday camp on my doorstep or another bloody golf course but if that is the way the planners/owners are going and the council say yes. :dunno:
  18. Hi Can anyone please tell me how much oil the axles take on a jimmy, I have tried finding the answer in my new manuals but to no avail, so any info would be much appreciated. Regards
  19. I too believe this to be true, the local rumour is Butlins is involved and 2008 is the last show, War and Peace may I stress may move to Thetford where I believe the Royal Tank Museum is with 25,000 acres to play with, now whether this is correct I do not know but it is a very strong rumour hereabouts.
  20. Hi Lynne welcome to the forum it's nice to see another lady MV owner on here please enjoy.
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