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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Of course or how about the one with tea in ?
  2. Many thanks Mike, yes it does as I need to get some labels made up for these. Now just to get the others done. :tup::
  3. Just how big is this yard of Harry's anyway
  4. HI All As you may well know my workshop jimmy has a Swiss body on the back and there are a few words that I am not familier with, so if one of you nice lot over the channel can have a look below and see if you can interpret the meanings I will be much obliged. (some are obvious) and bearing in mind thay are from an electrical panel in the truck. Many thanks. STECKDOSE 380v PRISE EXTERIEURE 380v SYSTEMUMSCHALTER COMMUTATEUR P SYSTEME PHASENSPANNUNG TENSION PHASE NUETRE AGGREGAT GROUPE ELECTROGENE HEIZUNG CHAUFFAGE STECKDOSEN 3PH PRISES 3PH SCHMIRGELMASCHINE MEULE STECKDOSEN LINKS PRISES GAUCHE LICHT ECLAIRAGE STECKDOSEN RECHTS PRISES DROITE TRENNTRAFO TRAFO DE SEPARATION 200v
  5. Paul As I am sure you understand the forum is ever so, ever so slightly changing as time goes on, this is to keep it in the fore of what is going on in the MV world and this means that certain parts of the boards/buttons will change as well, but as you can see we listen and we act. Thank you for your feedback :tup::
  6. Yeh have a nice weekend all. Hey Joris when they have all gone you me and Enigma have the clubhouse all to ourselves, what do you reckon a few beers and some old friends :cool2: been keeping tucked away from the rabble (if you know what I mean)
  7. Did they give you a free drink from the lorry :cool2:
  8. I believe that the truck maintenance is farmed out to another firm :sweat:and gladly is nothing to do with someone (who I know very well) :cool2:
  9. I know the guy you are talking about John, if you want some.
  10. Have you took the top of the engine yet to have a look ??
  11. No, is my opinion as the mileage you do does not warrant it for the cost, when I stripped my jep engine down there was no wear on the valve seats and that just runs unleaded.
  12. Do you know if it has seen service at all Neil ?
  13. If you need some crew give me a shout.:-D
  14. Well done, nice drum..............................what is that in the background. :cool2:
  15. Are you sure that is a Land rover ?
  16. Mark

    Is Yours Full?

    Sorry I could not help at the time Heli
  17. So far it looks good no leaks, cheated a bit and put some home made ones in from proper gasket paper.
  18. Got the half shafts and new seals in yesterday so I thought I would take her out for a ride as it was a nice day. Very invigorating
  19. What did you wire the rev counter upto ?
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