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Everything posted by Mark

  1. You should get yours when it comes via the postman, when I cannot predict ?:-D
  2. Just to keep you all upto date, confirmation letters to everyone who has booked in for the show went out today. :-D
  3. Does not sound like Trevor, also what has probably mucked it up is that Surrey area are having their show same place, same time.
  4. Instant and very expensive clouds of thick white smoke :???
  5. I drink loads of the stuff (bottles) so you can be my friend :-D
  6. Is it not the last one this year due to the Olympics ???
  7. Hey Mark, I am free Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday if thats any good to ya!, I can come and press the brake pedal for you.
  8. Sorry to heasr that mate.......................................how about the 432 it's only 30 miles. ?
  9. The wife told me that one of the twats in big brother has just passed her teaching exams, and does not know how many days in the year. THAT does not bode well. :nono:
  10. The old Grant with holes is still there as is the grey BARV, and there are campers all around. OOoops
  11. Just popped down to the Hop Farm this morning on business to see that there are 8-10 MV's left scattered about, anyone's on here still left down there.
  12. Yeh OK, I shall be leaving about 11am how does that suit you ? and only go about 30 or I get the shakes still.
  13. Normally booked in advance but give Trevor a ring on the show line 0208 2951510 and ask him.
  14. I like that but it costs money :shake:
  15. In reply to Lord Burley's question Re: confirmation, everyone who has booked to come to the show will be getting a letter to confirm the booking. :tup::
  16. Oh well here is another GMC then, my one at the show And one of the stolly being picked up for a demo in the arena (first time backwards this year) :cool2:
  17. Still looks good though ?
  18. We have confirmed with the EU that the helicopter (dependant on weather of course) can be placed next to your camp :cool2: without incurring any problems as they can supply a catweazle protection system free of charge, apparently thay have come across you before :-D. As soon as i have a copy of the layout I will post it here.
  19. Hi Ya If you have filled in your form then you will be on the database as entered, the Huey I am afraid will not be attending due to other circumstances etc, and the weekends events are still being formalised as we speak but will be ready in time. Hope that answers your questions, if you have anymore do not hesitate to ask. Regards
  20. So what does a Sentinal look like
  21. Nice pics of the tank coming over the trench lip, but why a british trench ??
  22. I was/am a bit peeved a I was never told
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