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Everything posted by Mark

  1. At the top of your post is THREAD TOOLS go into that and click on EDIT THREAD.
  2. Has he just sold it Lee, or just bought it ?
  3. Mark


    Nice, what is it and whose ??
  4. It would be nice to get the chance to do something like that, can you get them on Red Letter Days or something :-D
  5. Another hol, its alright for you retired people isn't it. :argh:
  6. Don't forget you also need a comfy pillow to sleep on :cool2: might start a new thread on this one :idea:
  7. The owner is open to negotiation and for what it's worth there has been a lot of work carried out, the engine (apart from no reverse which can be sorted he has the parts) sounds beautiful, and it has all the swim gear in place, might be worth a look or even a phone call.
  8. Phil Thanks for your kind wishes and very sorry to hear of the problems you have had, we are finding out what can occur when organising a show, many obstacles do crop up throughout the year and of course you cannot always sort these out. We will find out after the show if it has been a success by the feedback from people who attend, who knows?. Regards
  9. There is one for sale here: http://www.mvvideoads.com/display_listing/572/1965_Softskin_Stalwart_Stalwart.html
  10. Because there was not a helicopter Nice to see Lord Burley there on Sunday, my self and Heliops have just got back and for once it's a sunnt day.
  11. In the second picture down the soldier on the left of the three look like our Heliops :???
  12. Ok matey I will try and I am sure others will fill in the gaps. At the front is our Jack BVA. There is myself, Safariswing, Snapper, Harry, Enigma, Zoomer, His son, John Pearson, Tootallmike, Markheliops, Grasshopper, Sirch, Gritineye, Cripp, Catweazle ( He's the one near the helicopter ) Apologies to the ones that I cannot remember, anyone else care to fill their names in please.
  13. Not particulary, as in most shows turn up and pick a spot and make yourself comfortable. :-D
  14. Yes well done to the girls.
  15. I cannot be sure as it is not my area, but I believe that Catweazle may be next to the pigs, unless the pigs complain of course. :rofl:
  16. Squezze in between Mark and myself (Mark) and then as we get to the gate pull upto the side of us.
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