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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hot of the press: There are 4 chalets been positioned just up from the go-kart track as you come into the grounds proper and there are 2 in the america's fiels, apart from that everything looks the same.
  2. I also thought Crete surrendered on the 1st of June, with greatest respect to your father.
  3. On the HMS Hood website I found this; 24 May: Hood sunk in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. In the engagement, Hood, Prince of Wales and Bismarck all received damage. At 0600, Hood sank following a catastrophic conflagration/explosion resulting from a deep penetrating hit from Bismarck. Out of a crew of 1,418 only three (Ordinary Signalman Ted Briggs, Midshipman William Dundas and Able Seaman Robert Tilburn) survived. Despite the loss of Hood, the action DID achieve the result of effectively cancelling the German sortie: Though Prinz Eugen escaped, Bismarck was later defeated and sunk with a heavy loss of life. No convoys were lost to either ship.
  4. Not since the last one, I have not heard or read anything in the local rag ?
  5. The music festival has 40,000 people going so I imagine there will be a lot of rubbish going, I should be able to hear it from my house with any luck (not). This weekend there is grass track racing going on for the first time, dont know what field they will be using for that ?
  6. I hope so too Mark has the furthest to go....................at least 1/2 mile :cool2:
  7. WHAT sort of stalwart parts are there. (just out of interest) :idea:
  8. Neil everyone (someone will say not me guv) does re-fuelling on site most of it from jerry cans no doubt, do you think they all take their gennies off site to the local garage to fill up, No. so as long as you are discreet cannot see it being a problem, no excuse I know but thats the way it is. OK lets hear it.
  9. As I understand there is approximately 120 ways to open a bottle on a Landrover....................................... can anyone confirm this ?
  10. How many bottle openers does your vehicle have, just spent the weekend at a show and found out the following; Stalwart has at least 10 places to open a bottle with, these are the tie down hooks on the side of the main cargo doors. GMC Workshop has four steps into the back, all along the steps can be used to open a bottle and as the night wears on you can get to the lowest step. How many has your's ?
  11. Anymore news on this Lee, have you seen Rex at all.
  12. You should be Ok Mark, we can always keep an eye on them, plenty of us about.
  13. MArk We shall be down the quiet field (not) by the stables as normal with one jimmy and a stalwart. see you there.
  14. Why does Lee looked so scared ??
  15. As said before, we should support the local post office, I live in a village where there is one left, and I always go there to tax any vehicle that I have, maybe more people should get off their backsides and do just that and then the slow erosion of our way of life will not happen. Just a thought. :-D
  16. JACK, JORIS why can this man not read his PM's
  17. I am one of the organisers, PM for you.
  18. How many men above the age of 40 have you slept with then Jack :rofl:
  19. Is that the Zil that was at War and Peace last year, if so looks a lot different.
  20. Its all very well sayng we will be there, but who is organising the permission to be in the arena at god o'clock in the morning before the events start, or what day are we going to do this. Suggestions please. ( I vote Jack )
  21. Jack if you turn up which I am sure you will ( you owe me BIG) you can see what really happens when these things travel at speed over bumpy ground, I mean the REO last year was amazing and this year I will have to rest the GMC as it does get embarrasing for some, the stolly is in fine fettle this year (in forward at least :argh: ) so should be a good 'un, so come on down and see it for yourself, thats if anyone turns up of course. :coffee:
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