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Everything posted by MatchFuzee

  1. Wolf Operating Manual pdf:- https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/request_for_land_rover_90_wolf_o Workshop manual available from a number of sellers on this site:- https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/kw/wolf-land-rover-manual/
  2. Two useful sites:- https://hmvf.co.uk/topic/28355-ww1-officers-mess-cart-info/ https://www.rlcheritage.co.uk/page11.html
  3. Very little information on wartime production:- https://aghs.jimdofree.com/between-wars-and-ww-ii/ https://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Reynolds_Tube_Co
  4. Vulcanized fibre tube:- https://wellele.com/product/vulcanized-fiber-tube/
  5. The Binocular Gunsight isn't covered in the model guide, but it will be part of the serial number normal sequence. From:- Ross binoculars - model guide For post-war binoculars the following guide will help: 125000 to 133000 - 1945 to 1950 https://www.retrowow.co.uk/retro_technology/binoculars/ross.php Ross binocular serial numbers. 122314 not listed:- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://docplayer.net/amp/23867062-Serial-numbers-of-ross-prismatic-binoculars.html&ved=2ahUKEwju-NO3rez3AhUKhlwKHXhqAIwQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Q-euwFApEti4W3wF5q1Fg
  6. No idea on what would be a good price. If the antenna on eBay is from cadeex, they don't deliver to the UK. Pre Covid the The Vintage & Military Amateur Radio Society used to have sales events. It maybe worth contacting them:- https://www.vmars.org.uk/
  7. This antenna? https://www.steelsoldiers.com/threads/anyone-have-more-info-on-this-hobbit-atv-antenna-i-bought-has-nsn-nimber.183880/
  8. http://www.chestnut-registrations.co.uk/vintageplates.aspx
  9. Springs in this cupola skirt:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-BEDFORD-ARMY-TRUCK-LORRY-CUPOLA-WEATHER-SKIRT-ASSEMBLY-OIL-WAXED-/353445934332?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. For small amounts of soda blasting, there are some small and cheap blasters or you can make a very simple one. Search 'diy soda blaster' for the videos.
  11. Have you looked at the Dylon greens?
  12. Have you concidered DIY casting? https://www.artfulbodgermetalcasting.com/
  13. If you search 'Lee Enfield No.4 Rifle Spares', there are a number of spares suppliers who maybe able to help you.
  14. If, no takers here, perhaps you would have more success with one of the Facebook military radio groups.
  15. I wonder if it was pre-war or at least very early wartime production because there is no mention of bike production after the factory was destroyed. Also, I haven't found any information on what the parts where made for or if they had another factory making the Plover. "During the air raids over Coventry in 1940 the Frances Barnett Factory was completely destroyed. The company continued making parts during the war at an alternative location. It was not until 1945 that production resumed back at Lower Ford Street" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis-Barnett
  16. Is this a London delivery van at The Museum of East Anglian Life? Photo from Graces Guide
  17. Stacked in pallets on cargo ships, the weight of the top layers simply crushed those below, resulting in fuel losses of up to 40 percent, and making unloading the intact containers extremely hazardous with thousands of gallons of petrol sloshing around in the bilges and the fumes powerful enough to render seamen unconscious, not to mention the danger of fire or explosion. From:- https://www.exploringoverland.com/overland-tech-travel/2012/8/17/irreducible-imperfection-the-flimsy.html
  18. The lamps:- https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1613593888983470/?ref=facebook_story_share
  19. Drinking water was transported to front line trenches in petrol cans. It was then purified with chemicals. To help disguise the taste, most water was drunk in the form of tea, often carried cold in soldier’s individual water bottles. In extreme circumstances, soldiers might resort to boiling filthy water found in shell holes. Drinking polluted water could lead to diarrhoea and outbreaks of dysentery.
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