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Everything posted by MatchFuzee

  1. 18ltr seal:- https://www.armysales.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=343
  2. Would a higher rated puller than your current one be worth trying?
  3. A screenshot of their current page
  4. Firing the Petard was accomplished with a spring loaded rod (large firing pin). With the rod cranked back, it could be released to impact and ignite the propellant charge located on the mortar round. This process fired the large 290-mm demolition charge with adequate accuracy. More:- http://worldwar2headquarters.com/HTML/normandy/HobartsFunnies/hf_petard.html
  5. Even including the links in this link there is very little information on the Deacon:- http://warwheels.net/AEC_DeaconINDEX.html A vector drawing preview of the Deacon:- https://www.the-blueprints.com/vectordrawings/show/19527/aec_mk_i_gun_carrier_deacon/
  6. Bolt size discussion:- https://forums.lr4x4.com/topic/11877-nato-hitch-bolt-size/
  7. Not army maintenance info but this should be useful. https://www.cloudynights.com/articles/cat/user-reviews/binoculars/80mm-90mm-binoculars/restoring-and-using-german-10x80-flakfernrohr-binoculars-r193 A very expensive book. Eyes of the Wehrmacht: An Illustrated Guide to the German World War II 10 X 80 Binoculars, Volume 1. By Stephen Rohan.
  8. More information on the Roll, Yaw, Pitch, Alteration of Course Instructional Platform:- http://www.dreadnoughtproject.org/tfs/index.php/RYPA
  9. Have you contacted these museums, I believe that they all currently have a Lynx helicopter? Duxford The Helicopter Museum The REME Museum Newark Air Museum
  10. GR VI for King George VI rather than GRM1.
  11. More image of box markings but not many of the rear:- https://www.google.com/search?q=7.62 mm box markings&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CUWf2_18G9bg6YWKrTab6H_1VNsgIGCgIIABAA&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=isnxv&hl=en-GB&sa=X&ved=0CBgQuIIBahcKEwjw3s2-8db0AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQBg&biw=360&bih=631
  12. The M1903 was in service for many years, it was used as a sniper rifle in WW2 the Korean War and even in the early stages of the Vietnam War.
  13. From DUKWs at Pointe du Hoc on D-day by mike1960research:- One DUKW was hit by 20mm cannon fire (Flak 30 AA guns) and was sunk. The three remaining DUKWs were stalled along the shoreline either stuck on a sandbar or could not cross the shell cratered beach and were not able to erect their ladders up against the cliff. Colonel Rudder ordered the DUKW crews to raise and extend their ladders where they were and Rangers climbed the ladders while exposed to German fire. While perched on the top rungs, brave Rangers sprayed the top of the cliff with automatic rifle fire. While providing fire support from the top of one of the DUKW ladders, Private Malcolm Arnold observed waves of Rangers climbing up the cliff under fire from above and with grenades exploding around them. A number of Rangers fell when the Germans cut their ropes. The complete article:- https://www.google.com/amp/s/mikesresearch.com/2019/06/06/dukws-at-pointe-du-hoc-on-d-day/amp/
  14. 2 sites that should help. https://www.emlra.org/index.php/british-army-green-paint https://www.e-paint.co.uk/colour-alternatives.asp?cRange=BS+381C&cRef=BS381C+285
  15. British Vehicle Camouflage, 1939-45 Paint mixes:- https://www.mafva.org/british-vehicle-camouflage-1939-45/
  16. Mathewsons Friday 12th November – from 5.30pm Saturday 13th November – from 9am https://www.mathewsons.co.uk/product/1954-austin-champcurrent-v5-present-paperwork-includes-current-mot-certificate-expires-28-07-22-old-mot-certificates-invoices-for-parts-and-work-carried-out-on-the-vehicle-and-promotional-material/
  17. Tim, have you seen these? https://www.smokstak.com/forum/threads/onan-w3s-17-what-do-i-have-here.54189/ https://hmvf.co.uk/topic/11104-onan-w3m/ 902-0000 Onan W3 Genset Parts and Service Manual (06-1943).pdf:- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://onan.xmsi.net/902-0000%20Onan%20W3%20Genset%20Parts%20and%20Service%20Manual%20(06-1943).pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjpr96K4Yb0AhXOSsAKHc0hAm0QFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0T1blpW0-da_m9VhiumtJM
  18. Is it a battery that just can't hold a charge? To check, charge the battery, and disconnect from the Land Rover then check the voltage drop over a few days.
  19. Polsten is well covered in the Royal Armouries:- https://collections.royalarmouries.org/
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