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Everything posted by Baz48

  1. Look's the same as the one that came with my 432 back in the day
  2. Went down by car Thursday with friends, surprised how easy it was to park close to the entrance and get in. Only to be greeted by huge areas of unoccupied grass lands. Steward’s friendly enough and a running site transport that appeared to be working. Stalls enough of them with some noticeable absentees, what was nice was the space to walk around without being jostled or elbowed out of the way and an empty beer tent with only the staff inside to go with the empty fields devoid of green machines. Was it worth going, a friend bought some parts for his Dodge and Chevy I bought a hat another bought coveralls, meet friends swapped stories had a beer later an ice-cream ate at the Aerodrome Café drove two hours home. Military and Flying Machines followed by the Hope-Farm with a green machine.
  3. Going Thursday with friends to see if it's worth the effort of taking a vehicle next time, by whats on here who knows !!!!!!
  4. The US used AEC-0854 refuellers in the UK no idea what serial no's they carried
  5. while not experts and leave that to others we use Halford classic on our collection without issue
  6. He's off again, I've got a new gas bottle on the fork truck to help load :nut:
  7. I suspect it US kit you are interested in as suggested by your enthusiasm for the photo, yes I agree it’s good. If you can look at a copy of INVASION The D – Day story JUNE 6. 1944 published in London in June 1954 by BEAVERBROOK NEWSPAPERS LIMITED (reprinted 25 years or so back in soft cover) the Daily Express published this book on the tenth anniversary of “D” Day. It’s written by John St. John Cooper. I’m biased it’s predominantly British and Commonwealth with some interesting photos of our US Allies. The book is mostly photos not the usual one so often seen and what’s interesting for me shows my uncle (who gave me the book in 1956) section just off the beach on the day
  8. So if you have a ‘Vintage’ vehicle and only wish to go for the day then you are in for free - !!!!!!!!
  9. Reference colours of British Army vehicles, years back when I and two friends bought and restored a Scammell. Rubbing it down we found mostly green olive drab and post war gloss green but below the lot we found a brown sprayed finish and hand painted black camouflage, the brown being easily matched to a supply on the shelf at the IWM stores acquired and applied with a black over pattern and still in those colours today
  10. Headcorn or Hop-Farm what to chose over the same weekend, Saturday one Sunday the other, then there is W&P Revival new and improved just before all supported by, run by or organised by IMPS/members of all in Kent. By-heck the roads around the South East will be just like pre 6th June. It's quite a choice, Battle re-enactors whiz-bangs tanks and trucks, sorry lorries a spectacle at all, aircraft advertised as attending Headcorn though I'm not sure the Mitchell as shown in the blurb can land there
  11. It's not that unusual to find vehicle number apparently applied to the wrong vehicle type, a friends Otter was slammed by an expert for having a number allocated to a bren-carrier when period pictorial evidence proved otherwise, that said a photo of a Beverette as found many years ago
  12. It's A Bedford, it's nice to see parts should be available, post what you require see who can help
  13. A friend bought one years back, best investment he ever made good for keep-fit when lugging it around. There was one in its box for sale at Stoneleigh
  14. Went to Stoneleigh listened to a friend talking to the organiser of W&P came away thinking I might have been a little unkind in my previous judgement of the show and we would probably be taking a few WW-2 vehicles, then the above threads -- ????? So what now, moving tracked vehicles without marshalls, is that correct, any self respecting elf and safety wanna-be's will be rubbing their hands with glee along with the legal profession who'll be booking expensive holidays on the profits should anything go wrong. Besides moving tracked vehicles or any vehicle with restricted vision from where the driver sits is definitely not encouraged or practiced in the professional world so why at this show --!!!!! Not being allowed off site/to leave on the Saturday is again one for
  15. So how do other show get by without charging vehicle owners and/or reenactors and still turn a small profit
  16. Re: IMPS Agreement for entry to War and Peace. I raised some of the IMPS concerns over W and P on another forum and John Allison posted the following ( you dont have my queries below, but I think you can work out what points he is answering......quite robustly); he clearly holds views 180 degrees from some people at least on this site. I cannot really accept that past practice by members to minimise cost of entry could be classed as a scam, as it was within the rules. But hey ho. I think it is still likely to be a good value show but I can sympathise with folk who have serious multi- vehicle entries. Here is what he says: Item 1 :- I did pay for W&P it was not a gift,,,,,, if the corporate print companies had got hold of it ,,,the £10 charge for loos & showers would be the last of your issues Item2, IMPS still have an allocation of tickets for their members fact ,,,, NOTE imps never had free entry ,,,, IMPS & W&P had a financial contra agreement IMPS did not take monies in return but entry tickets issued to IMPS members Item 3;- one of the many scams in getting your mates in !!! having sat at booking in all day it was rather sad being honest ,,, Mr imps man books in his vehicle £25 two adults both meant to be imps members + two children along with his four other vehicles all complete with 4 persons in each YET none being imps members other than the driver booking in ,,,the loss being either IMPS membership or W&P ticket sale ? Item 4 ;- based on item 3 its approximately 6 out of every 10 vehicles ran this scam ,,,question they all go for a number 1 & 2 every day and they are happy for me to pay for the removal of said items,,, I forgot plus a shower Item 5, going back to item 3 mr imps with his 5 vehicles ,,,he + his team have arrived for their ten day holiday,,, YES over 80 % of all bookings arrive for the 10 days PS its £25 + £10 total £35,, 2016,, for ten day hols and all you have to do is bring a MV Item 6 ;- if you don’t want to pay your £35 to enjoy the show for ten days ,,,,, bring nothing and pay for public camping £200 ,,, or park in public car park buy day ticket walk round,,,, SORRY i am a bit tight i will go for the £35 option Item 7 ;- Service charge brought about by you the visitor ,,,you brought the issue of loos & showers not enough & unclean,, easy fix £10 charge loos & shower cleaners 24 hrs a day,, simple Item 8 ;- you don’t have a show without my MV mr organiser !! correct PS without me you dont have no show to attend ? PS its £35 for ten days camping have a great ten day looking around the stalls and mv if you wish ? Item 9 ;-attractions stall holders over 90% of the visitor attend the stalls ,,, A thought when I attend Netley Marsh bike jumble I get charged £60 to camp ,,,that was for one night ,,,STILL i do like going around the stalls Item 10;- booking in ,,,the picture,,, yes the size was incorrect and yes we altered this all being correct on the website ,,, question why did no one kindly drop an email to say you could do with looking at this problem ?,,,,, reason for picture ,,,,to stop another scam people booking in and not even having a vehicle ! still it was cheap £25 ten day holiday,,,, REF mv & motor cycle or private vehicle & motorcycle whats the problem your booking form will say what you are exhibiting and the staff will see it your exhibit Item 11,- Our digital marketing platform has brought back many MV owners that have not been to W&P for many years plus more traders so the in all we are very happy with progress in the short time in charge Item 12;- W&P 2016 has elements never seen before ,,, during Malvern people had a sneak preview ,, and all went well Item 13;- explain why I would set about damaging W&P this is a long term business plan to return my investment Item 14 ;- just clear up this point the scams do not all point towards the IMPS it applies to MVT also both as bad as each other I have read the above alleged response several times (and the many subsequent posts) with varying thoughts from disbelief to utter amazement if the above is a true representation of the current owner of W & P stance and answers to questions posed to him. At best it smacks of arrogance and do as I say, I’m the Boss now and by suggesting 60% of I.M.P’s and M.V.T members with vehicles attending the show ran a scam (item 3 one of the many scams!!! & item 14), meaning dishonest is unbelievable. Have either of these organisations made representation to the organisers of the show regarding this accusation against their members asking for clarification with proof of alleged wrong doing. While the hobby is full of characters it always has been the vast majority in my humble opinion are honest and trustworthy who help and encourage others that’s the norm. Regarding the supposed lock-down on the Saturday night, a lock-down I assume means to restrict, to confine person or person’s un-named to a confined space, to imprison, if so under what act of Parliament is this to be enacted or would this be an attempt at unlawful imprisonment, lawyers to the fore. For some W & P is still the best and will always remain so, for others a quick visit get what you went for and leave, others won’t bother going but happy to moan. What I am finding hard to understand is the total apparent lack of appreciation shown towards the vehicle owners who’s attendance makes the show, any show and especially W&P in such numbers although of late I think the numbers are drastically down year on year from the hay-days of a few years ago – like W&P then go its only a show if not go elsewhere there’s plenty of choice - Baz
  17. I like this author have been trying to compose a polite response to the 'QUOTE' attributed to the new organiser of W & P and find I could not do better than the above
  18. I wouldn't get your hopes up by the nill response so far - shame W&P was a good show back in the day - still there are many good shows out there that you don't have to pay to enter a vehicle just turn up and be welcomed by the organisers rather than accountants, or am I cynical
  19. Rumour has it there maybe a show in 2017 shame as Duxford always was and hopefully will be again a nice friendly show in the future, maybe the committee member of the Vehicle Wing Duxford Aviation Society who posted on her previously can let those of us who are interested know the answer I believe they still have an events officer who's function it is to coordinate a vehicle show at Duxford - possibly this could be a new thread
  20. A spare engine was acquired for the two Clark CA-1's at Duxford as both I understand where seized/damaged, unless a policy change the museum does not as a matter of course run exhibits unlike DAS who have vehicles of their own outside LWH
  21. Love it or not, to me is W&P is a commercial orientated show designed for maximum monetary profit and has been for a very long time. Yes there are stalls, traders you don't find anywhere else in the U.K who pay huge sums to be there, its one reason I go. You find entertainment of an evening who have to be paid for often by charging an additional entrance fee for the top end performers, so chose not to go. Toilets, yes they are required by hygiene law at such a large gathering of people and yes some people do leave them in a mess be thankful you don't live with them or clean-up after them, I know that has to be paid for as well and for one appreciate the effort those doing the cleaning put-in. But all site users contribute to that cost in the entrance fee, or should do and do those who provide their own facilities qualify for a discount, I doubt it. I have over the last few years helped some friends with their vehicle to and from W&P and other show where we are not charged to enter the vehicles or have additional charges levied because the drivers is not a member of that particular club? I also help maintain their vehicles, my choice, as is contributing to the running costs, my choice, so I see this as a choice, love W&P and you will go whatever the cost, have concerns over the cost so go elsewhere, comment all you like but do it without derogatory or inflammatory remarks regarding those who do not share a particular point of view. Enjoy the hobby and be tolerant of other's it's part of the mix
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