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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. Thanks Tony, I know from photos that a few RAF vehicles in the UK were in RAF Blue in 1939-1940 and that for a time some RAF Vehicles were painted in what I will call an emergency scheme of green and brown similar to a Spitfire or Hurricane (though not the same paint). This scheme seems to apply to vehicles built pre-war and not those coming off the production line in WW2. I guess therefore that your vehicle got painted at that early time when anything was better than shiny RAF Blue. The colours you found on your Fordson are quite unique and I wonder if you have found a paint classification to match? They don't match the RAF equivalent of the Army G3 Green with G4 Dark Green as disruptive that I have seen on other RAF vehicles from 1940. I have quite a few photos of RAF vehicles in WW2 so I'll share some more.
  2. Presumably in Italy a ban on Nazi symbols will be distinct from a ban on Mussolini era Italian Fasist symbols? And what about books and articles on the web; will there be a blob painted over every photogragh where such symbols are shown? Some say that in the UK we are less offended by nazi symbols, as we were never invaded, and yet its not against the law to wear a Nazi uniform in Poland, especially when re-enacting!
  3. Dear Tony, An old post I know, but with regard to your Fordson Trucktor restoration, what colours did you find painted on it and what year was it made?
  4. Isn't it strange that politicians want to ban something Nazi, that in the minds of most people is something consigned to history as a symbol representing the evil that killed 25 million people but not something upper most in peoples minds. Meanwhile the hammer and sickle is OK even though under such a symbol approximately 32 million died in China under Chairman Mao's rule and perhaps another 25 million dead under the Soviet Lenin and Stalin. Mein Kampf is bad Chairman Mao's little red book is OK! Fascism is somehow evil and Communism is somehow 'heroic' but IMHO I cannot see much difference! Perhaps these types of politicians who want to ban Nazi stuff are the ones who want to ban anti-personnel land mines and yet allow shed loads of AK-47s and the like to get shipped all over the world!
  5. Is Adelaide International the same as Parafield in Adelaide, as my Dad was stationed at Parafield with 238 Sqn RAF in 1945? Photos to follow of their Dakotas if you are interested?
  6. Can anyone ID what type of 30cwt truck it is, shown in SCC2 and black camo? The truck appears after about 7 mins 40 seconds
  7. Neil, I think your post regarding RTA 1991 has probably answered the question in that drivers cannot escape prosecution from reckless driving (or worse) just because they are not on a proper road, and this amendment closed an important loophole. However I doubt that the RTA ever had in mind the goings on at MV shows or the types of vehicles we own, so I guess it is OK to drive those vehicles you see at shows that are 'part restored' that are not yet 'roadworthy' like those still in need of a body or cab. And possibly the same situation applies I guess, for driving a tank in a public area at a vehicle show without an H License, as long as its not done recklessly. Though I am not sure about the legality of an underage person with no drivers license at all, being the driver of an AFV or the legality of driving while unfit through drink etc. Also it matters little that friends and family are classed as public or participants, so if they are run over and killed in the night during a drunken AFV race, the drivers can be prosecuted with something more severe than reckless driving. At least I can sleep soundly in my tent knowing that!
  8. Neil, you beat me to it regarding quad bikes! My point earlier about things we take for granted as being illegal on a road, must surely apply in public areas at shows as defined in earlier posts. The most important matter now is just to discover the extent or otherwise to which the RTA and other related regulations apply, such as driving a vehicle under age, or being unfit to drive through drink, drugs or a medical condition. What if you are banned from driving on the road, is it OK to borrow your friends MV and drive it at the show? And there is of course the driver's license category to consider, so can you drive a Tank in a public area without an H License? Can we drive around in vehicles that might not be 'roadworthy'? Are your children sleeping in their tent next to a main track leading to and from the beer tent in the show ground, considered as public or participants?
  9. Well this thread has stirred things up a bit, not that was my intension. Somewhere in the dark and distant past I was told that the RTA and various other Acts covering vehicles, also applied off a road or highway, so as stop drivers going mad and driving about without a care for the public's safety. The search continues!
  10. The UAZ 469 is worth about £2,500 at most for a good one. In fact it might be the only MV that goes down in value with age!:-D It rusts very nicely in the wings, so only buy one if you can keep it under cover. Jeremy Clarkson described it as by far the worst vehicle he had ever driven Would I buy one? Yes I would as they are good fun and usable. Would I buy a USAF Police car? No as after all its still a police car and a bit like buying a Ford Transit once used by the SAS; its still a Transit!
  11. Fulltilt, Your link, http://www.1itl.com/news/284/ is one of many saying the same thing. What isn't said is what conditions must our vehicles satisfy when we are using our MVs on a 'road' or place open to the public at a show? If I leave a normal everyday car on the road in front of my house, presumably it needs to be insured, taxed, MOT'd and be registered with the DVLA should a passing policeman be interested in it. If I drive on a proper tarmac road without tax or MOT in an unlicensed vehicle, then its likely to be seized and crushed by the Police. So if we now know that the RTA does actually apply to areas of an MV show outside a prohibited area, such as the arena, then apart from insurance which hopefully everyone agrees on, what else is required? As mentioned above if a vehicle isn't ever going to be fit for the road such as tracked armour, then its never going to be registered, or be taxed or have an MOT. Are there any exemptions for this in the RTA? What is the legal position if my MV happened to be SORN, and trailered to a show and only driven in the show ground? And what is the legal position, if I say buy a WW2 era 500cc motorbike (which I'm not entitled to drive on my current drivers license) and never register it, as I will also trailer it to shows and only ride it at a show and never on a proper tarmac road?
  12. According to various sources, the Road Traffic Act applies when ever the public is present. Now in respect of military vehicles at a show, either in the arena or involved in a Battle Re-enactment, generally that means the public are excluded so I assume that the RTA doesn't apply. But does the RTA still apply when transitting to and from the arena or if the owners of MV's such as tracked armour that are not capable of ever being road legal, go for a circuit of the boundries in the evening as per the old W&P show? Are wives, girlfriends and kids of owners or a few hangers on from paying public, still classed as 'the public' or not just because its after the show has closed? What is the important issue with the RTA in such circumstances? Is it that all moving vehicles need to have insurance, tax, MOT and and be registered with the DVLA? Surely not if you own an Sdkfz ...whatever. So I'd be interested to know more.
  13. Thanks folks; perhaps all the warnings over driving in four wheel drive on the road during the parade was a 'wind-up':-D
  14. Wind-up; an interesting subject but one that I can also say that I never heard of in the Army, when driving Land Rovers! I only knew about wind-up after leaving ad later buying an MV. All I was told in the Army was don't drive on the road in four wheel drive, which at the time seemed logical as once back on the road we wanted to drive at the road speed limit not crawl along. Richard's point about wind-up on the road as soon as the steering wheel is turned, made me wonder whether it would be OK to drive my Lwt in 4x4 in a straight line as in May each year I take part in a parade of MVs and other vehicles that moves so slowly, that clutch pumping is getting to be a bind on my knee. So far I have resisted using 4x4 mode but if it is a very straight 1 mile parade, then I trust it would be ok to be in 4x4 second gear and trickle along?
  15. I agree; It is a real pleasure to follow this outstanding restoration projects on here. I only wish I had the time and the ability to do the same! You must have had a good 'teacher' if you are not in the auto crash repair business already.
  16. I found this colour film online Later in this 7 min film you see an 30cwt truck in SCC2 and black camo - rather rare in colour https://www.londonsscreenarchives.org.uk/public/details.php?id=349&searchId=65843
  17. I seem to remember that Ian said his Morris C8 engine had the number 4 big-end go, on the way back from W&P last year or the year before. An LR engine will keep her going for the moment and of course spares are easy to find. But good luck with the conversation!
  18. Attached is a photo of vehicles in use by the Soviet Army in the Dresden area on 3rd May 1945. Interestingly at least two AT guns are being towed with limber by something out of sight but powerful enough to do the job such as a Studebaker. I guess the guns are ZIS-3 AT guns? Can anyone identify the various types, and in respect of the Dodge Ambulance, how come it has a post war body on it!
  19. Thanks for posting! There also appeared to be a captured Jeep in the convoy too! Interesting colour schemes on these vehicles; some looking quite new but most well worn. I was also interested to see quite a few in dark grey colour that preceded the dark yellow base colour used by the Germans, which most books on German camo colours never show, the suggestion being that every vehicle was repainted which we now know isn't true. Some of the grey coloured vehicles seem to have a splash of yellow over the grey as a simple camo but others are completely grey. I wonder if these were either Luftwaffe vehicles or those from non-combat units? Once again thanks
  20. Here are a few sellers who still think their vehicles are worth it! http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C901221 http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C901558 I think the finder of the GAZ is probably looking for a free flight home!
  21. Interesting thread; I have one question; Has all those imported Jeeps found in the USA etc and mostly in bad shape, increased the supply and lowered the price?
  22. I went to see the Dunkirk Film, and thought it was OK. The Producer or Director, I forget which, was accused of not including Indian Troops on the beaches of which there were supposed to be 200 or so but they countered that by saying it wasn't a history as such but instead a film about the experiences of a few people. Fair enough I thought. Having said that it did seem that the RAF only had three Spitfires and the Luftwaffe only one He 111 bomber and three Stukas. To my mind the beaches in the film were not as realistic as the film 'Atonement' filmed at Redcar which had far more wreckage including some realistic looking Morris Commercial CS8 trucks made of wood. I also noticed that nearly every British Soldier had a 'tin hat' painted in a dark green colour I can't match to anything on the helmets I own. They were more forest green than G3
  23. What is the story regarding the French Unic with 20mm Flak, as posted by 'earlymb'
  24. IMHO I'm thinking that an 11ft speedo cable would be relatively easy to construct as long as the have the correct ends, and hopefully you have an old one that could act as a template for the remake. If your Albion was perhaps from 1914 you might have cast your own rear diff like 'Great War truck' whenever he is lacking a part, but I guess thats out of the question and together with the internals might be a bit pricey. Have you considered fitting a rear diff or both diffs from another manufacturer? I seem to remember that has been done by other MV owners for various reasons. I suppose it depends on how much of an adaption they need but it might be a way of geeting you on the road until you find that elusive part!
  25. Is there any interchangeability with other Albion trucks, as a few civi ones are in preservation?
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