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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. I've been using RR Services Warpaint BS361 green (not NATO green) and it's proven a very nice paint to work with. The satin has dried a bit more glossy than I was expecting, but it's been quite humid weather and I seem to remember that can have an effect. It's actually HMG paint according to the label, who are a well known brand, but obviously RR get it in the matched military colours. If they do a NATO green you might give that a go. Be warned it dries very quickly though. I got through a number of rollers etc. and a reasonable amount of thinner.
  2. From what I hear it's a pretty non-regulation helmet-under as well....
  3. You could put that over the helmet! Knit a bigger one and have a matching turret cosy.
  4. I was just thinking the same thing. The third wire could be for a second tone, giving some form of indication. low-high-low - aim higher high-low-high - aim lower low-low-high - aim right high-low-low - aim left.
  5. That's a nice collection of vehicles Make sure you look after yourself though. You have to enjoy life (something the doctors sometimes forget), but at the same time don't take any silly risks and make sure you can keep enjoying the vehicles long term. Hope the job comes off! What is code95?
  6. If this time machine works, I should post this greeting exactly 1 day before your birthday. Drat. I had it in reverse. Hope you had a good one.
  7. Tell me about it. I've taken a week off work to get the house and truck sorted out. The weather's turned awful and my other half has caught a cold.... Bloomin typical.
  8. Glad to hear it - I have some on order but the order has gone awry at the moment. I'm hoping they get it sorted out quickly.
  9. Well that looks like a pole mount, so I'm guessing it goes up high. Is it some kind of signalling/warning light? Perforated vent for cooling? 3 contacts is making me wonder... Arc lamp / gas plasma?
  10. Is it a field telephone? Pondering the old type of crystal speaker that could be used as a microphone. Move the box to create air space for amplification? My original idea is blown out of the water - I thought it might be a portable confessional. Pop it on your head before finding the Padre.
  11. The oldest surviving Champ? Does that make you the Champ Champion?
  12. I'll probably be down there early helping to set up from Friday onwards, so best bet is probably to see you down there.
  13. Good grief - that is amazing. It could easily be a real one. That's some serious talent.
  14. Congratulations!! We need more tank girls!
  15. Is this a separate weight than the driving license one? I'm just wondering if it's that easy, why folks cut the suspension springs on Bedford MJ/MK for example. There would be no need if it's a paperwork exercise to drop below 7.5t for C1?
  16. Seeing recent mentions of a saved LCM and the last LCT being in some distress, I was wondering how many of each type of WW2 landing craft were left and what state they are in? I seem to remember that the last LST got cut up. I also remember a thread a while back about a higgins boat on a roundabout and another in someone's garden in France?
  17. Surely stripping bits out to drop the vehicle weight doesn't help - yes you drop the unladen weight, but as the weight that counts is the laden weight it doesn't change, you're just making it so the load bed can be loaded more before reaching the vehicle's laden maximum weight. Have I missed something?
  18. There's a version of it that mounts a recoilless rifle on the load bed - a chap in the States was selling a restored example a while back. There's a picture on here - http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=135179 It makes a lot more sense now that I've seen the film. I hadn't realised that it could be driven from the ground.
  19. Wow that is a seriously nice vehicle. I hope you get the chance to show it off before selling it. I've fancied one ever since seeing the film "a bridge too far" with Michael Caine riding in one. http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_47922-Humber-Scout-Car.html There's a list of surviving examples here - http://the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Humber_Scout_Cars.pdf so if you are looking for a value you might try tracking down the other owners and checking on insurance values etc.
  20. I wonder if there's a market for concave fisheye-like mirrors to compensate for the closer angle...
  21. Keep in mind that to most of the public, any military vehicle is a "tank" if it's green and not a jeep. (I've had people call my truck a tank, and I'm sure most members of the forum will have had the same). That said, plenty of vehicles were buried. The question is, is it a rare vehicle that would make it worth restoring, and what state is it in after all these years. You won't know until you find it
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