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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. I think he's meaning the rear idler hub? You can do a lot to the road wheels just by jacking the arm up, but I'd be wary of attempting anything on the rear idler if the track is still resting on it. Are you replacing - the big bit with the holes that the two wheels bolt onto the small bit that the goes inside this that's covered in oil the arm and peg that it all fits onto (and the tensioner piston butts up against) ? To release the tensioner piston pressure you need to undo the bolt (if you have one) or the nipple at the opposite end of the tensioner (where you nomally squirt the grease in to push it out) It's on a thread and you can undo it with a spanner. Take it out and (hopefully) the grease will squirt out (have a bowl handy). If the piston is stuck, then you need to apply some pressure to it to push it back in, that could be a bit of wood to protect the end and a hammer. If it's stuck then b efore you reassemble everything, work it in and out a few times (add nipple and squirt grease in to push out, release nipple and hammer back in) to free it up. Some penetrating oil on the piston helps as well.
  2. Mmmmmm Combining two of my favourite things. MVs and Chocolate Eclair....
  3. I can (quite honestly) say that I'm very glad I've not noticed anyone mooning recently :wow:
  4. Blimey, I've just noticed that nobody has mentionned Zulu. That has to be up there.
  5. The chap who runs Milweb also does the pricing guide in CMV (I think), so he might be a good call.
  6. Did Cherished Vehicle do breakdown cover as well, or are you handling that separately? Sounds like quite a deal .
  7. I'd have to go with Das Boot as well, though it has to be the original version which probably counts more as a series. Otherwise I love Kelly's Heroes, and I consistently wonder why "dog impression" is not covered on the H license test. I've also been trying to find a film for ages that I saw back at college. It was filmed blair witch style (yeah I know, but not that bad) set in the Korean war with a US correspondant film crew getting lost and working their way back to friendly lines, all told through the cameraman's lense. If anyone can identify it I'd very grateful (It's not Full Metal Jacket). Of course they all get trumped by Tank Girl, but that's not really a war film
  8. It could be worse, I've seen two vehicles on other forums (thanks to friends who are into classic cars) where the owner has added bling by painting the brake discs. I see from google that you can now get special paint to do that, this wasn't.
  9. I can't remember if I've posted these before, but if not these pictures show (if I remember correctly) a Polish resistance Sten gun factory. The exhibit is in the Polish army museum in Warsaw. I'm afraid the photo's aren't great as I had to take a bit of an angle to avoid reflections from the glass and bright lights.
  10. There's a group that restores and operates the military vehicles in the museum. http://www.das.org.uk/militaryvehicles.htm If you're interested, PM me and I'll pass the contact details along
  11. Hi Andy, There's a few folks in the area who made it up to Huntingdon for the local MVT meet (just starting out), and there's also the gang down the road at Duxford. Hopefully I'll bump into you at one of the do's or shows. TTFN Lauren
  12. Thanks for the help guys, this is my first vehicle at home so I'm still learning lots. Yes Chris, Dolly is still fine - just got a bit of work to do on the battery cables and the tyres (as and when). I still get a broad grin every time I look out of the window
  13. Thanks for the advice chaps. I've not fitted them yet. Before I see if I can exchange them, have you got any ideas if 1100x20 are still made? I got no reply from the vintage tyre sellers I found on the internet, so when I saw the 1050s I jumped at the chance to get a full set. If it's a case of hanging on to see what crops up on ebay/milweb I may hang onto them as not-far-off.
  14. Hi, I've picked up some tyres to replace the ones on my CMP (which are cracking). The old ones are 10.50 x 20 tubed, and the new ones are 10.5 R20 tubeless. I understand that the tubed to tubeless shouldnt be a problem (as long as I do still put tubes in) but comparing them there's a substantial difference in size now that I've got them home. The old tyres are about 2 inches larger overall diameter. Have I just got the wrong tyres? (keeps fingers crossed) Ta Lauren
  15. I came away pretty pleased to have picked up a CMP oil gauge to replace my sticking one (presumably with another one that sticks in a different position or identifies the fault as with the sender unit, but I won't know for sure until I've fitted it).
  16. It's often said in the IT industry, that if you make something Idiot Proof, somebody will build a better idiot. It probably reads across into other areas :banghead:
  17. Well that was a terrific first start to the area - great to meet everyone. Hat off to Ian for organising it!
  18. I found these this morning on youtube Finnish Defence Forces Ad - Honest Swedish Army Commercial - http://youtu.be/OGu0ITcoF6c (c/o http://wins.failblog.org/)
  19. I think they misheard "woollys-sheep" You'll notice it's a Mounted Bike (or MB) version, as opposed to Sheepy Double-ewe.
  20. I stumbled across this old unanswered thread while searching and figured it was worth a link for others who may be searching. This website - http://www.lerenfort.fsnet.co.uk/page53N.htm has a helmet with yellow anti-gas paint (or at least it was....)
  21. There is a whole bunch of information on this thread about them - http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?8360-Petrol-tins
  22. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good modern (pulsed/intelligent) 6 volt battery charger. I looked at the CTech, but its only for small batteries, and the truck has a big one.
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