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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. Unfortunately she's overheating. She got very hot and I think vapour lock caused a drop in power (she started spluttering and struggling). I need to have more of a look, but I picked her up as a bit of a project. She's going to be gorgeous though and I had a huge smile on my face during the show run.
  2. The CMP is not going to be there - I've been tinkering today, but I've spotted a problem with my new cable routing which is potentially dangerous, and I've not looked at the idling yet. These are probably simple adjustments, but I've run out of oomph on account of being under the weather this week. I don't know where the last two weeks have gone... The new WOT is down there though, and yesterday it was looking like it's going to be a good show.
  3. Having just had slime and gunge in the fuel filter and carb, along with one tank of fuel that's pretty well un-usable, I'd say it's a bit of a problem. That's petrol mind you and I'm assuming it was the ethanol/bio content and not some other environmental factor (seems a likely bet) I'm going to try one of the new additives. Can you get those for diesel or are they petrol only?
  4. If it came with all the old tyres etc. in the back can you take a look - I'm after a couple of spare CMP 20" wheels. If the tyres are naff I've also still got two 1050R20 tyres, which while smaller than orginal may get you back on the road and make it easier to move around. I'm not far away in Cambridgeshire so if you want to pop over and photocopy manuals you're more than welcome. There seem to be a few CMP owners in the area
  5. Gosh, two vehicles does make me a collector now.... Do I get a badge?
  6. She's been well looked after by the previous owner but she's an older restoration and is beginning to show it's age. The paintwork needs a good tidy up so I'm going to strip her back to make sure it lasts. There are apparently some good photo's of WOT's in the regimental museum in Devon with these markings. I'm tempted by a different camoflage scheme as there's a lot of mickey mouse around, but I'm going to take a look at the photo's down there, and I'll probably put the same markings back on
  7. Wow, that looked particularly dangerous. Was anyone else shouting "stand clear" at the screen and clutching their legs? Not having used a kinetic rope before, are there any videos of their correct use? I'm guessing that wasn't it. I know the idea of how they work but not how much oomph you can give on each stretch.
  8. And safely back (dropped at Duxford for the show on the way home )
  9. I saw this film ages ago - its very good. I may have to watch it again. I just skimmed forward part way and realised what film it was I wouldn't mind one of those cromwell/centaur's. Nice shot's of the vehicles in an original condition. They look so neat and new.
  10. I've never seen anythin like it in all m' life.
  11. Thanks everso - I'd been pondering the early V8 club with the CMP, but now I've got double the reason to join. Is that your WOA1 in the gallery? http://www.earlyfordv8.co.uk/index.html
  12. Here's a photo http://www.defenceimagedatabase.mod.uk/fotoweb/Grid.fwx?archiveId=5004&search=45142677+&srch=Search
  13. Are you sure the last numbers aren't 3427 - I'm sure that's a 3. I've played with some of the colours to see if I can get a better view
  14. Thanks everso! That confirms what I thought. I was starting to panic when I thought I couldn't get it back I'll definitely post a picture. I'll probably also be after some advice on spares and consumables, but the immediate panic is over!
  15. Folks, I'm bringing a WOT2H back tomorrow and the weight has been called into question. Can anyone confirm the weight. I have a book that says just over 2 (new) tonnes unladen, and another book that's just been found says 3.3, which is more than the beavertail I've got booked can carry. The driver is obviously a bit concerned. TTFN Lauren
  16. It's probably worth having a play with the switches while someone shouts which lights are working, so you know exactly how it all works.
  17. If it's wired the same way as other vehicles I've seen it disconnects the back lights when connecting the convoy light (blackout). Be careful on the road as you'll be in a lot of trouble if you black out your rear lights by mistake!
  18. Alas not, but I'm willing to bet there's a mrket for someone to do similar. http://www.mysnoozebox.com/events/index.html
  19. I've changed the battery cables on my CMP for larger ones this week (70mm2, closer to the old 00 gauge I think) and it's made a huge difference. Was cranking about the same speed as Vulture's (a tad faster but not much). Now cranking 2-3 times faster. I wouldn't have thought it possible from 6 volts. I'd stronly recommend anyone running on 6 volts looks at the same.
  20. I've probably got that wrong then. Numbers on the brain. Its the post war version of SCC15 that I'm using, something like BS 3.14159265358979323.... 298 rings a bell?
  21. Good grief that's a big lump. It must have been quite a bang! Hope you feel better soon.
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