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Everything posted by ploughman

  1. That is Class 60 matting made up into an Airfield Repair Patch mat. At least between 1977 - 96 as I knew it. The full size mat is approx twice the length and would have more coils in the roll. The FAUN Trackway link does give a very good description of the process but there are some detail changes from what I knew. I was involved in both Regular Army and TA Royal Engineer ADR Teams from Sapper to Plant Sergeant.
  2. I think you are thinking of Class 30 and Class 60 trackway - these come on a roll but I have not seen PSP on a roll as it links together loosely on the edge. C30 and 60 slide into continual grooves and lock together but are flexible enough vertically to roll up. I have attached a shot of rolled Class 60
  3. A quick Google brings up this http://www.calumetindustries.com/?page_id=176 I have used it in service in the Royal Engineers when using up old stocks to create hard standing areas for storage. Last time I used it was in 1981 when we made up a carpark at Lee On Solent for the Air Sea Rescue chopper crews. Can be awkward to fit together if damaged.
  4. Found this youtube clip today. Don't know if its already been on here.
  5. I have used Duncan Milner a couple of times. http://www.duncanmilnerhaulage.co.uk/
  6. While not Trains in the way most people think, this is what I get to play with now. http://www.yorkareagroup.co.uk/videos/ Since I can't get my hands on the Green Machinery I used to play with.
  7. Is that the one that I sent a gullible trainee on my plant course to get from the stores? The storeman sent him back saying "Sorry no, I only have AF Adjustables."
  8. On the M1 THursday 22nd Oct. 3 separate convoys of vehicles heading South. Seen between Leicester and Mansfield from the Northbound side. First 3 Military lowloaders and 4 White cabbed possible civvy hauliers with CVRTs of some description. Second a batch of about 7 Daf 4 tonners? Third 8 Landrovers of which about 6 had trailers.
  9. 5 Jeeps and 2 Motorbikes in Pickering probably connected with the Wartime weekend this weekend.
  10. On our 1957 RAIL mounted Coles 15T crane the attached photos show the location of the Drain in 007 and the Fill / Level in 008 Its that small bolt half way back up the side.
  11. Just found this You tube film about 28 on excercise / Demonstration near Hameln on the Weser Brings back some memories but it was night time back then.
  12. From the BBC today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-34525138
  13. Anyone know if any ex MOD Travellers are available currently?
  14. Footage from the BBC of the raising of the remains of LCT 7074 at Liverpool docks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34378133
  15. The vehicle I definately remember going through the paint bay was a Michigan 275 Bucket loader. It only just fitted in the paint bay. The reason was probably due to more than 75% repaint required however in our case with being an ADR unit and vehicles in long term storage then a lower percentage may have applied.
  16. Clive On our units visits to RAF Bruggen and taking our heavy plant out of long term storage the opportunity was taken to put these vehicles through the RAF Paint Bay. There the vehicles were totally stripped back to bare metal using Nitromors (I Know not nowadays) then the painters got to work with a spray application of IRR Paint. So what is right and what is wrong?
  17. Is that pipe meant to be creased in the 3rd photo?
  18. Thanks for that. I was only in Rye for a few hours, now back home.
  19. Saw these 2 over the weekend. The ARK was at the RE Museum at Chatham but the RML I know nothing about other than it is moored up at Rye Harbour. Anyone know any more about it?
  20. Was this Roller on route to the rally? http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/local/motorway-reopened-after-steam-engine-accident-on-the-a27-1-6928635 I think the living van got trashed not sure about the trailer or the Roller itself. Was he fitted with Beacons?
  21. If the photo is tagged "At Normandy" it may mean Normandy between Guildford and Aldershot. That could mean a training excercise based out of the RAMC barracks at Ash Vale if it was in place at that time. I did a Water Duties course at Ash in 1979 and that involved setting up a supply point and test gear with water tanks and bowsers. One piece of the test gear I can remember was the Lovibond Comparator.
  22. Brought back memories of 6 months in summer 1982 spent on Meaford tank range in Ontario Canada. The stockpile was about 20,000 tons we used it all on a road project on the range. The sea in the background is a small inlet off Lake Huron called Georgian Bay took me a week to drive round it. Mountain lake and a Champion Grader, were fishing was allowed but only from a boat, too many unexploded mortar shells rolling about in the shallows to let you fish from the shoreline.
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