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Everything posted by GeePig

  1. It has a nice, simple body design, I like it, and you did a good job
  2. Thanks, it's been a long road to arrive at the simple technique required
  3. I agree, it is time to pop those valves out and check how clear the oprts are.. Is it just me, or do cylinders 2 and 5 appear more carboned? I assume this has a single carb? Trevor
  4. I had a week away from doing any work on my computer, but I have since reworked the truck part of the image, sharpening up the details and getting rid of any of the odd bits of colour one gets from the colour adjustment process. I also started sharpening up the detail that I do want to keep. Compare this with the original image! When you are zoomed into 400% to edit you don't see much of the vehicle, and you are not always sure what part you are working on. However, I let myself be guided by the lines and colour I can see and for the most part I get the right result. when I was a development engineer I learned that it is best not to listen to much to tradition and craft, because they deal with the past, what is already known. In development you are dealing with things that no one else has ever done before. There are no manuals. Or people to give you the answers. The answer is to look closely at what you have and try and figure out what it is telling you. So I don't worry what I am working on, I can always zoom out and fix any inconsistencies later. There are some things that do need fixing, but it is a much quicker way of working than continually zooming in and out. The hardest things to get right are the headlights and the tyre treads. It takes a lot of fiddling to get the lights to look right, as they stand out much more than any other detail. The tyre treads have to look continuous around each tyre and the same on all tyres - and since the original image doesn't have much detail I have to invent it. They look better before I started detailing, but there is a long way to go yet. One difficulty with this shot is that the truck is on a slight slope. The editing program has vertical and horizontal guides you can position very easily, and you can use these to help get sharp, straight edges. Except with a 5 degree list I will have to either do all the straight edges by eye or use a more cumbersome method. Talking of edges, I now have a sharpish edge around the truck, one I can use to cut the truck out of the background. This will make editing the truck a bit easier - but editing the background a WHOLE lot easier.
  5. Keep coming back here then, we are here to hell-p
  6. You're getting swolled when you start showing your swage.
  7. Which for anyone unfamiliar with Google Translate, Mariusz from Poland says: Hi, Sorry for the translation, but I am a Pole, I do not know English and use google translator. If you can help me I need the exact dimensions of a truck. Length, width, height, wheelbase and track. I have some pictures of the vehicle, but every image, in particular the design detail, would be very valuable. Thank you very much for your help. And on this link is a gallery of paper Scammel models, of which I am the author, with my friend Jan. Regards Mariusz Kita http://www.konradus.com/forum/read.php?f=1&i=224999&t=224999&filtr=2&page=1
  8. I suppose the first step may be to watch the film through to see if a QL tanker was used. And if anyone asks why you are watching, tell them you are doing it for research purposes
  9. I rather like this one how it is now, as a survivor without interference, maybe it just some kind of clean up?
  10. Isn't there some mad Scot involved in this kind of thing, or have I been reading too many army forums?
  11. Maybe they have only a rather bare chassis, and little time.
  12. I assume the two pins go into something, and you put a bar through the large hole to rotate whatever it is supposed to work on? Or is there more to to this? Trevor
  13. Much better than wallpaper.
  14. I love the triple piece brake band, never seen one like that before Trevor
  15. That's a handsome beast, are you going to restore any of them?
  16. I am thinking what has happened to the rear wheel? Fire? There is no sign of any spokes and the rim is bent, or am I missing something? Very nice, though.
  17. Looks very much like Blythe according to Google maps and pictures, that pier is in the middle of the harbour where fishing vessels tend to tie up today, and beyond is some kind of barrier forming the seaward limit of the harbour. Trevor
  18. Is this a definition of amazing of which I was previously unaware? What's holding the door on, and when did it crash into a steel framed shed? Trevor
  19. A fine job, and good progress there When you look at a design, there is always stuff left over from the past. The angled entrance on the tailgate is so much like you might see on a horse buggy or similar, for example.
  20. I hope we are not going to start talking 'vibes' and 'groovin', with psychedelic colours, it might frighten the hounds.
  21. Censoring naughty words - now that is one way to turn a good film bad.
  22. Actually, it looks a bit like the side of some kind of container unit, those used for shipping. I can see square ends at the bottom.
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