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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Loos like a nice displayof Pansies in the center :whistle: :wave: Ashley
  2. Hi, i expect they used ........` Goat Regimental Mascot MK 2, grass reduction for the use of` Beware of Horns :-D Ashley
  3. got to agree `well funny` :rofl: :cheesy: only need 11 more for the HMVF calendar No Jack naked poses with [pinh cushion will not be required. Ashley
  4. Yep, me and my camp followers wil be there Sat A.M. and Hong Kong Dave hopefully for the sunday Ashley
  5. sorry double post Ashley
  6. Hi, one publication has stated that air base jeeps were` blue`but there is pictorial evidence of different colours such as `follow me jeeps`, & desert jeeps. Early british vehicles (possibly jeeps) were painted Kahki (or dark earth matt). As for green i belive that there were several different shade of this colour in use. Ashley
  7. Welcome James, im sure you`ll enjoy your time here, what are you intrest militaria wise ? Ashley
  8. Hi Jack, looking really nice :tup: a nice coating of `plains dust` will soon tone it down :-D Ashley
  9. Hi Rick, looking very good :tup: :tup: Ashley
  10. Hi, Royal Highness Pigin Ferret of Holton Heath (when allowed home for the weekend :nut: ) are you or are you not coming to the Plains Bash. Ashley
  11. Hi Jack, PM us your trave detail if finalised yet, we could be using the same route. Ashley
  12. Then he could take at least two vhicles to a show, one for you to drive :-D, also jack`s GMC could get a free ride to those far, far, far away shows he dreams of going to :thankyou: Ashley
  13. One of my all time favorites (The) Liquidator by Harry J. All Stars from 1969 8-) 8-) :bow: released later i belive in the early eighties. :banana: Ashley
  14. Hi all, a short while ago i looked at caravan storage here in Bournemouth, found a farmer who would let me store it in his stable area, with the only security being "the girls who tend the horses always close the gate behind them" not bad for £50;00 a month `take it or leave it` (his words) What transpired from the chat was as cattle was no longer viable he had diversified in to the storage buisness, but could not offer any long term agreement because the council had ear marked the area a stretch of land possibly 4-5 miles in length as green belt and to stop the developers were apply for a grant to include all forms of wildlife agencies to preserve this as a countryside learning area (and possibly saving the development rights for themselves to help fund it !!) so this may be a clue to the above predicament faced by ghasp. Ashley
  15. May not be my place to say this, but i for one have no problem at all with the above, as we are guests of your selves and the locals. Ashley
  16. Ashley (+jeep) [+family = car + caravan)]
  17. Hi all, fantastic effort, congratulations to all concerned. Waiting for the link so we can download. Ashley
  18. Well be a man !! and fold the windscreen down then ! :-D :-D :-D Ashley
  19. Hi Tony, the postcode would be great (for the wife of course) suppose i had better see how many of the Dorset crew are coming up ready to convoy could be a good time to remind Jack that there is more than one eight o`clock in a day :pfrt: Ashley
  20. none of them worked for me either :? :? Ashley
  21. ashley

    Tiger 1

    As i understand it .....at the very onset German Army (and Navy) vehicles were as mentioned painted dark grey (panzergrau) and vehicles of the Luftwaffe a blue grey colour. When the forces began to expand whitemarkings were used on wheeled (halftrack) vehicles (on the mudguards ) to aid the visability of the vehicles at night to others. All the vehicles sent to N.Africa were also initialy painted Panzergrau, though special clothing, personal equiptment etc was designed and issed to all troops the continental patterns and colours were still worn by those who chose to. A yellow paint (Ordanance Tan RAL 800) superceded the panzergrau some time in 1943, meaning that all vehicles fresh from the factory were sprayed/painted this colour, however this colour was also supplied to the Afrikakorps befor this time and vehicles weapons helmets were sprayed at local/unit level. To aid concealment / camoflauge ,ocres of red and green were also issued to the desert then to the Mediteranean troops. These three colours formed the basis of German camoflauge schemes untill the end of the war (excluding winter warfare) from the basic yellow through to the complex butterfly camos seen in northern Fance etc. Just a brief overview :-) Ashley
  22. AHAAAAAAA found you !, knew i would somehow site loks great from what i have seen so far, must go and investigate. Ashley
  23. As the vehicle mentioned was actually previosly owned (proudly) by a forum member, i feel he may be hurt by those comments and hope you a re prepared for his wrath :shake: Ashley
  24. Hi all, to my knowlege (though limited :roll:) i always thought that the spare wheel on jeeps were carried on the rear of the vehicle ?? On visiting the site recomended by Martylee, i came across this picture of U.S. troops whose jeeps have the spare mounted on the nearside rear ? Has this been seen by others , as i have never seen a vehicle portrayed as U.S WW2 with this setup. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/WW1%20Day%20out/422127022_d80dc83a43_b.jpg[/img] N.B note bustle baskets Ashley
  25. This was a cacking diaorama, what you can not see in this pic is the `wiped out M.G. nest` with two casualties. Ashley
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