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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Hi, don't you think that the troops in the left foreground are actually British troops judging by the wear of the side hat (almost thought it was a beret !) and the chap to the extreme left looks to be a civilian ? I agree a great picture. Ashley
  2. All the best simon........ now that life begins... Ashley
  3. Hi Clive, what exactly do you think is happening in the photograph ?? as the first vehicle seems to be towing the convoy leader and load watched by several convoy members !! and the second trailer has no prime mover? Is this a case of steep hill ahead or do you think three has been a breakdown ?? Ashley
  4. Hi Ian, just visited your web...... site very nice, well presented :bow:. The ferret looks quite lonely amongst those cars, but i am sure it gets plenty of intrest from show visitors. Ashley
  5. ashley

    Tiger 1

    This is definately a must for armour fans, when i last attended (approx 1990) it was still quite a small dislay on show. As far as i know every year in July (dont quote me) they have thier main annual display where they bring out all the running exhibits including the "German Heavies" which is a sight i would love to see :schocked: Ashley
  6. Hi Tony, in my day 1973-1974 the school was almost opposite the C.V.D. and was known as Tidworth secondary Modern, what a dump ! but after 3 years in a military boarding school in Germany the amount of freedom was unbelievable and took a lot of adjusting too. So the favorite haunts was the Ram P.H. or a battle with the squaddies in the Drummer(?) next to the Tidworth Bowl. I can also vaguely remember living in Burphore (sp) terrace in 1962-1964 which i believe has been demolished now for a new army base. I can still remember the Garrisons most guarded asset, a full size wooden horse in a wire cage that was apparently used originally for training horseman skills for cavalry troops, caught playing on it and your father was up in front of the C.O. believe me i know (so did my father) :whistle: :whistle: Ashley
  7. HHHHMMM Lugershall, just down the road from my old school, nearly got into trouble there one lunch time as i borrowed my mates new scooter to pop to the shops pity he never told me he had "borrowed " it from his neighbour in Perham Down the night before with out permission :police: I can remember getting a job at what was C.V.D there one week until they discovered that i had got my age wrong on the application form :dunno: and was still at school :-( luckily i have grown a beard as disguise so hopefully i Will not be recognised by the local vigilantes. Ashley
  8. Yes, we actually lived in Invicta Park (Jamacia terrace) 1965-1968 i was a young lad at the time left, when i was ten. Fantastic, mainly down by the river but i now understand the old camp by the river is now a housing estate :-( :-( got into hot water there once when i found what i thought was an abandoned goat tied up outside the rowing club ............only to have the M.P.s beating down the door to the house several weeks later looking for a "misplaced" regimental mascot :redfaced: Ashley
  9. ashley

    Tiger 1

    Hi Joris, as GWT says i expext most of the gear went to Saumur, but i know some of it went to the Falaise museum (in the old cheese factory behind the castle) as some Halftrack sections were stacked in a corner when i was there many years ago. Ashley
  10. Very nice Hardypig indeed, my late father served in both 23 ENG Regt. and 32 Eng Regt. so theres a possibility they may have crossed paths sometime. Ashley
  11. Maybe you should chat to Hardypig /hardy ferret he may need a crew for his latest acquisition :-) Ashley
  12. Yep im game count me in please :-D put us down with the jeep at least, i`ll have to see what the wife has in mind to see if she decides to turn out. Ashley
  13. If my jeep did not leak i reckon i `id must have a problem :roll: Ashley
  14. Hi, i could be mistakenbut this vehicle has been advertised for a long time, seem strange it has not been sold allready :dunno: Ashley
  15. quote author=Jessie The Jeep link=topic=3423.msg29537#msg29537 date=1171901841] And all in a nice central location ;-) Well we all know that Dorset is the center of the UNIVERSE :bow: don`t be fooled by non believers telling you porky pies :pfrt: :pfrt: Ashley
  16. Hush your mouth young sir :-D, the problems with Horndean / MVT legendary and are worthy of bypassing. Ashley
  17. Here are the grenades, the first one is 1WW German from the Verdun battlefield. there were ten of these in a stack by the side of a trench :-o although the wooden handles had rotted the heads (note clip so that it by worn on a belt or tucked in the boot) were complete and also the china pull ring and the base plates http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0236.jpg[/img] The second was found at Falaise http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0234.jpg[/img]
  18. Just found this , It is a medal awarded to the `Ostvolk` former members of the Soviet union that fought for the German army. This was found with about 15 others in a pile of buried uniform jackets not one of which was complete enough to keep but the medals buttons etc were fairly god in condition. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0233.jpg[/img] [Ashley
  19. Hi, in the past i have uncovered several bits and bobs from Falaise, Normandy and the first war battle fields to include shell heads,fuse caps, grenades, 2ww helmets (Falaise) medals, ammo, tubes of foot cream etc. The main problem is as i attended shows i gave a lot of it away to youngsters / other collectors, but still have the first (not the best)helmet i dug up , some 1st ww grenade heads and possibly the odd medal i shall have to find and photograph them for the site. I can remember detecting in the Falaise gap on one of the routes to Trun in a small wooded area and found a pretty naffed pair of boots (german) followed by some rotten trousers, crushed helmet ,belt buckle etc but the best part was the top front section of a shirt with a pocket containing 9mm live ammo and above this a material medal bar which displayed :- iron cross 2nd class, Russian front medal, Entry into memmle medal, 4 yrs LSGC. My travelling companion at the time took the ammo (he was a firearms collector) but by the time i had got back home several other items had gone including the medal bar :cry: Ashley
  20. Hi all, i have booked in for this show and will probably take a day out to visit Horndean along with a few others. Ashley
  21. I must confess that i am booked into the Beaulieu show but along with others hope to attend Horndean on either the Saturday or Sunday. This is dependant on wether the family decide to attend Beaulieu :dunno: Ashley
  22. ashley

    Tiger 1

    one of my treasured memories was when i finally found the Trun scrapyard before it was cleared out. This plot of land tucked behind the local infants school had all manner of German vehicle parts, vehicles and at least one `stack` of large caliber tank guns also near the center was a complete opel maultier the half tracked version with the doors still open the fence line which hid the yard from the road was basically a mixture of bramble and sections of vehicle (trucks) cabs usually being late war were made of compressed cardboard though they in still reasonably good shape. Those were the days........ Ashley
  23. ashley

    Tiger 1

    nothing to special really... When the German army was retreat from the allies after Normandy He tank like many other tanks and vehicles simply ran out of fuel and as the German army was retreating for its life the crews just abandoned them where they were,some crews activating the self destruct devices and walking away. As the allies advanced the tank being an obstruction was simply pushed off the edge of the road and left. The tide of war passed and the tank slid slowly down the bank the vegetation grew around it forgotten by most people except for a chap called Alain Rodiux (sp) who spent his days post war collecting all sorts of bits and bobs off the battlefield not forgetting it was actually a slaughter ground for the German forces I the early seventies i met a group of lads some i still know and we planned metal detecting trip to the Falaise area by rail and bicycleand uncovered all manner of items (lots of which were found by the roadsides) Getting back to the Tiger, at this time it was still on the bank covered in vegetation and bramble and Alain showed us where it was. I believe some time after that some local scrap boys were seen by locals preparing to cut it up but the locals brought the tank and Alain had it pulled up the bank and exhibited where it stands today, after giving it a quick respray. Ashley
  24. Hi Mick, love the Bonswer truck, have driven many types over the years. the oldest having a 500/550cc villiers engine in it and also had a kick start rather than being turned over by a handle in the front. The posher model's had electric start /indicators and headlights well posh and still great at pulling wheelies :-D I am sure you know the company is still in business (up till about 2 years ago) Ashley
  25. No Jack, for i only have one vehicle and a purchaseof a caravan will proball cause it to remain that way for some time. Ashley
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