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Everything posted by ashley

  1. yep of course .....you buy the beer :-D that should keep you out of the fish and chip shops ! Ashley
  2. Oh no :eek2: camping next to a pub on a weekend when the wife wants to come :shake: :shake: i had better make sure she has enough money for only one person........ME :-D Joking aside looks like a great weekend forming up (A+2)thanks too all who are making it possible :tup: :tup: :tup: (now can you tell us the location??) Ashley
  3. Me i am all for planting trees, "1 acre of trees provided enough oxygen to support 18 people" But the main problem is the destruction of mature large trees which seems to be ever increasing due to land required for building. At present here in Bournemouth every, and i mean every small plot of land seems to have builders on and the grand victorian houses are left to rot untill it is cheaper and more profitable to build flats on. Ashley
  4. Hi Joris, nice web thanks for posting. Could do wit one of those eagles in the garden "nice focal point" 9may also keep the cats out ! Ashley
  5. sounds about right , what a shame :cry: :cry: Ashley
  6. Being the familys (wifes) latest acquisiton and pride and joy i had better not let her know what you suggested otherwise scottish scorn and temper will be afficted apon you :evil: :evil: Ashley
  7. Hi Tony and all, no problems with the fiver :tup:, is this for the military vehicles or including the support vehicles ? re- campsite is this just tentage or can i promise the wife a weekend away and bring the caravan ?? Just trying to clarify points before making too many promises. Ashley
  8. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/militaria/MVC-005S.jpg[/img] http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/militaria/MVC-004S.jpg[/img] Hopefully some idea of what wason offer. Ashley
  9. PLONKER what am i ? sorry about that, but there again for the £15:00 a great reference site for any type of militaria. aSHLEY
  10. Heavans forbid , how could you say that ?????? being a mans cusion it is a faded RED one :-D :-D Ashley
  11. Hi Just seen these any good?? http://www.wehrmacht-awards.net/forums/showthread.php?s=758297cad2059ada7b28378922436f78&t=208132 Ashley
  12. Hi Simon, will a repro chinstrap not retro fit ?? Ashley
  13. Hi Simon, very nice :schocked: just need some DAK uniform to match. Ashley
  14. For gods sake don`t joke about it :eek2: :eek2: the last time i camped on the plain on Easter B/H 1974 we awoke to about 2 feet of snow :shake: :shake: luckily the fire was still alight and some cider was left for breakfast :drool: :drool: Ashley
  15. Hi, the cheapest way may to buy a cheap(?) civil helmet, though the liner will be different. There is a company German Helmets.com (in the U.S.) who will supply whatever you ask for, but as previously mentioned try the local reinacting groups theyare your best bet. A friend of mine brought a nice single decal camo, chicken wire SS M43 for about £150:00 last year which was very life like. Ashley
  16. Yea come on, thought you wood of twigged it :-D :-D enough of these poor jokes (must be a HMVF splinter group !!) leaf it out :schocked: Ashley
  17. Nice pictures Steve, weather wise you were lucky, it was lovely here too yesterday but today.... its really is YECUK. Ashley
  18. Hi Tony, very nice indeed :tup: others have mentioned the colour, not knowing about USN vehicles (other than grey) is this colour specific to a purpose ? ? Ashley
  19. Hi all, apparently the Wheatcroft collection is going live check link, also there are plans to build a racing car museum :-o Ashley http://www.wheatcroftcollection.com/home.html
  20. HMMMMM the flu jab, had it for the first time in about 1975 and i was really ill. Last year was told by the doctor that it was imperative to have it every year, last year a had the jab all was fine. This year completely forgot about it and i caught a stinker, squits, dizziness, fatigue, 3 week cough, temperature. Will have it next year for sure, but as the doctor said it will not immunise you against all strains of the virus. Ashley
  21. Hi RB, welcome and the answer is dependant on how much work your jeep will need :dunno: i am lucky in a way as me and DIY really don't get on at all so if the dear wife wants something decorated she is welcome to get on with it, she will call me if theres a problem she wants help with. It may be wise to do some of the DIY ........ get the jeep MOT..... promising to finish the DIY be-for Christmas (but don`t mention which one) :-D Ashley
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