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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Welcome to the Friendly Forum and enjoy exploring the site and all the wonderous things waiting for you to discover them !
  2. So that's how they simulate hitting a 100 foot rouge wave head on !
  3. Neil why oh why has that dang Gremlin or Gremlins have it in for you !!!! Perhaps you need to make an offering to whatever spirits that seem to have be miffed or offended. Seems very unfair of the examinor to expect everyone to be ready when there was so little time to do so .
  4. Sometimes it takes a while to get to things as we all have had to much to do or need to get done and sometimes it takes a bit to the fires stoked to get going again . You have brought it a long ways so far , As the others have said keep at it it will be worth it !!!
  5. Great verity of Vehicles !!!! Must have been a wonderful event seems the weather even gave a sunny day .
  6. I had been told the same story a few times from Vets and from a friend of mine whom I helped restore a couple of Halftracks with , I have not seen it happen or found any evidence of it happening . When he last broke a track while on the way to a event the broken track remained on the ground ....safe enough but the empty Ben Hur trailer he was towing at 30 plus miles an hour was flipped on its side when it encountered the track , scrapped up a fender and the damaging the canvas and broke a bow or two while getting dragged to the shoulder of the road and put back on its wheels .Since he was only a few miles from the event he completed it with the front wheel drive engaged , did very little to the boggies in direct contact with the pavement.
  7. I can only hope that the Military channel or the History Channel over here will broadcast the show at some time in the future
  8. that would be in a foreward motion , no backing across the finish line to make it look like you have just finished the race !!!
  9. Surely the MAZ has to be over width ? how did that get that road legal over there ???? Perhaps it was registered before the rules changed recently , I was not looking to make waves as we say .
  10. How did you get bruised doing that ? are you talking about trying to get into the ot-90 without the key ? will you have to do much repair work to set the lock right again ?
  11. Hope he's not in too much pain , in his defence those pain pills can make you a bit out of sorts.
  12. Great find!! Isn't the WWW fantastic for discovering all the nooks and cranies of anything you might want to know !!! And you get all the information without having so spend who knows how much time searching through Book stores or other locations and spending all kinds of cash!
  13. Well done !!! New toy at home AND already making progress on the Vehicle . I m sure that with the other Scammell owners they will be able to point you in the right direction to find a few of those missing bits although it may take a while . Good luck on the rebuilding the home front as well .
  14. Welcome , there are a several other members who are looking for information on Military motorcycles as well as their use with sidecar's by the way. So the more owners the better . Just make sure to use the approved two or three wheel vehicle parking area's lest it be used as a tire chock by Very Large Vehicle crowd !!!
  15. YIKES!!!!! stay away from the MRI machines !!! Is that as a result of a disc problem ?
  16. You got the last story in just in time I was going to post that if you hadn't ! They had to build a runway for it on a very steep hillside with only hand labor!! all that work to patch together and save a plane since it was so valuable to the war effort it was worth all the efforts rather than simply setting fire to it any leaving the wreck where it was .
  17. I Finished the book the other day . By the way its 550 pages . It covers the period from meeting the Soviets at the Elbe through to the fall of 1949 and then updates some of the principal figures as recently as 1990 with the author begaining to write the book. It includes the political moves on both sides as well as the American elections in the fall of 1948. Of course it includes the story of how the Candy Bombers begain but lots more than that . There are a number of figures of just how amazimg the efforts were , and the personial stories of the Berliners them selves. Before the blockade begain they were transporting 31 millions pounds of food and supplies per day by railroad , road and barge .... this was the bare minimum needed to feed the 2.5 million Berliners. In June of 1948 the thought was that they "Might" manage perhaps five million pounds daily flown in by the airlift . Which they did manage to do , and through additions of aircraft and improvements they were able to increased that amount to ten million pounds daily flown in by airlift by September of 1948. True they almost failed in November due to the worst fog on almost 90 years that almost completely grounded operations for most of that month but they were able to regain volume each month steadly after that to sixteen million pounds daily in the spring of 1949 ....the day that finially broke the Soviets ability to maintain their blockade came on Easter weekend... the goal as to fly every aircraft no matter the condition to transport twenty million pounds in a single day ! they in fact managed to move TWENTY SIX million pounds !!!! That took 1398 flights , roughly a plane landing in Berlin every 63 seconds on that day , most of the 26 million pounds was Coal they also transported 2,000 rubber hot water bottles ,tobacco , a plane full of manhole covers , as well as condoms,dried apricots and cuckoo clocks . the coal alone was the equivalent of a freight train six hundred cars long ... mind you they loaded and unloaded all that coal by hand in sacks .Ten days later the Soviets said they would lift the blockade on May 12th . Well worth the reading , without the Airlift and the strength of the Berliners to resist the pressure of the Soviet's to break their desire for freedom and democracy the Soviet's most likely would have continued to expand their reach and taken over all of Western Europe .
  18. Of course its a bit ironic that the "Recovery Vehicle " is in need of recovery. Look like it came to grief by giving way to let some other vehicle pass by ? If you can call that other than a path
  19. The Hydralic lines should be a once in a life time replacement since the gun isnt being all that much......unless you take to tracking people on the road on a regular basis !!!!
  20. Yes we have Red Dwarf on PBS over here , and I do have all the Dwarf series DVD's and he does post clips on youtube every few weeks , just sorry to see him leave that series although he say he has more work now than ever.
  21. Man that darn bad luck gremlin just does not want to leave our fine members alone. it even want so far as to put a chap into hospital !!! But it seems you were able to get past this last ditch attack , WELL DONE !
  22. Too bad the show has been canned , or at least they have fired Robert Llewellyn , over here it was called Junk Yard Wars .
  23. I mentioned the importance of the date and had to refresh the memories of most everyone , Over here much more notice taken of December 7th . Great to see the activites over there .
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