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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Here's a nice shot of Rosie the Riveter restoring the 105mm barrel (well actually it's Mary, in 1942....) -
  2. All very well in an ideal world but that is not where we are. How about sending a very small piece of the scrap to a friend abroad and then declaring that it's been 'permanently exported'? :whistle: Or scrapping it and declaring it's been permanetly exported (India, China) - would be quite true, that's where all the scrap goes
  3. Changed our mind, have we? :whistle:
  4. Well thankfully and with the safety and wallet of all road users in mind, the authorities see it differently. The two separate systems of condition monitoring for cars / HGVs have remained relatively unchanged for at least 40 years now, and seem to work quite resaonably given the constraints of maintaining an affordable cost of monitoring, both to vehicle owners and the government. Several others have commented on how pointless an MOT test is, on the basis that something might break the next day etc. That is inherent in any periodic inspection - comes down to a trade-off between practicality, affordability and risk, doesn't it? Can anyone suggest a better alternative which will not entail me taking my car for what is effectively a 'MOT without the brake rollers' every 6 to 8 weeks (assuming the suggestion of adopting the HGV system of servicing records means the regular statutory safety inspections in between annual MOT)?
  5. Ah, so that's what Full Dress Uniform means...... Very best wishes to you both!
  6. Bump. I've just come across the Rotabuggy by accident on the internet, but see it has been mentioned here on the forum before. Well worth a look for anyone not aware of it. Google away and enjoy!
  7. Met an ex REME engineer at the mot station today (he was waiting for my test to finish and was admiring the jeep :cheesy:). He said between '52 and '58 he was in BAOR, and took part in an annual competition called Rough Riding Challenge, aimed at motorcycles and 1/4 tonners. He competed in various Gyspies, Champs, Landrovers and Jeeps and said the Jeep was in a class of its own (the course sounded pretty horrific with most 4x4s grounding front and back in deep holes!). Can anyone enlighten us further on this regular BAOR challenge? Some photos would be top drawer!
  8. I took the Jeep for test today - my examiner who I've known for many years says this was debated over a 2 year period by the previous government, who concluded that the system of MOTs we had was the best of the lot, and that no useful purpose would be served by changing it. Case closed. Now someone in the new government has raised the issue again, perhaps thinking it would be a vote-catcher? (with the view that motorists might think it will save them some money - think harder please), and so we may well start the exercise all over again. No doubt there are sound arguments for both systems, but if anyone thinks a 2 year MOT would be better, ponder over just the one example he gave me of a certain breed of modern car and van-derivative thereof which has steering/suspension ball joints which consistently last only 25,000 miles before they are ready to pop off. How many of them would fail between extended tests? Whatever happened to that motto 'If it ain't broke don't fix it'? Makes you wonder :yawn:
  9. I don't know, but just recently there has been some strange panic buying - a long queue formed outside our village shop yesterday because a rumour had gone around that a small consighnment of Chardonnay was due in......:???
  10. P.S. don't worry in the slightest about the trees - you should see what Antony cut out of his Federal chassis when extracting it from Beke's yard in Paris - rumour is he kept warm all winter from them!
  11. Well - for what it's worth I'm less concerned about the missing parts than I am about you to even be contemplating taking them on, let alone asking for help. So, now that you've passed the HMVF entrance examination with A* Distinction, a very warm welcome to you
  12. That looks a surprisingly respectable steering lock!
  13. More like a way of life for you, Andy :whistle: That first picture of yours is great!
  14. Didn't think this was possible when I first saw it!
  15. What a wonderful photo, even without the signwriting! Thanks for posting, was begining to think this thread had been locked or nobody had the slightest interest in it.
  16. What Jeeps? All I can see is a nice girl and - :wow: Wow! just look at that row of U.S. Van semi trailers :wow:
  17. Richard - is that just before, or just after, the 10ft steel tube on the wheel wrench goes BANG ? :cool2: No, really, don't do this at home......but in all seriousness I guess the correct torque is not far below this point??
  18. I believe 30T Constructors use 7/8" wheel nuts (unless the studs on mine were so badly worn that 7/8 would just fit :-D). Iain - if you need wheel nuts, 7/8" BSF are still available through commercial vehicle / trailer spares stockists as there are still quite a few artic trailers running on this size.
  19. I think I understand what you mean I guess you can't just wait for all the parts to turn up or you'd never ever get started, so once you have say 75% of the big bits you just have to jump in and set yourself a deadline?
  20. The older I get the less I tolerate deadlines! To what extent would you say your self-imposed deadline of the LB Run has influenced the project?
  21. Yes, somewhere between 13 - 18 tonnes. Anything below 30 tonnes is a toy anyway :cool2: Well - little did I realise when I posted the landing craft photos that it was the digger which should have been the main mv story! I mentioned it to a friend today who lives up there and he said a tank had tried to pull it out, a photo appearing in a local paper. From the Lynn News Friday 22nd April (the contractors told me it had been there 7 days) "RENEWED efforts involving a tracked crane were being made at low tide yesterday to rescue a mechanical digger stuck beside a mudbank at Burnham Overy Staithe. It followed an unsuccessful attempt to remove the digger on Wednesday using an ex-Army tank belonging to Wells-based Safety Boat Services. The digger..... was involved in repair and restoration work on groynes at the harbour for Burnham Overy Harbour Trust. Work on the £95,000 project was nearing completion when the digger became stuck – and then got flooded by the high spring tides, leaving only its mechanical arm visible above water. Safety Boat Services marine operations manager .... said efforts to pull it out using the tank were unsuccessful as the rescue team was unable to start the digger’s engine." Looks like an Engineer Tractor to me?
  22. Just tracked down what it is - LCVP Mk4, capacity 5.5 tonnes.
  23. I remember doing the same with the photo album of your K2 restoration at Beltring a few years back - that was plenty enough inspiration for me!! :thumbsup:
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