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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Here's one that's in a bad way - the Pioneer, however, is in a slightly better state and has some potential........:-D
  2. Could this be the ultimate Jeep accessory? :coffee:
  3. I don't know about the RL cab, but a TK cab can be lifted with a spreader through the opened doors. I've seen one constructed from two pieces of suitable material 4"x2" spaced 4" apart (of course whatever you use should have a lifting test certificate....).
  4. At last! I knew you'd get there in the end :-D Perhaps now you can begin to consider the possibility that the success of this brilliant design might just have been compromised by over-extending its application to those to which it was not so suited (e.g. duties involving a high proportion of on-highway haulage). Sounds like many of the shortcomings highlighted so far by extending its range of uses might have been eliminated in a Mk 3, thus making it more suitable for a wider range of roles? I can't think of one sound piece of engineering which could not be described as useless/unsuitable when considered for use outside its design/comfort zone (like putting 4 times the rated load on a GMC - oooh that's not a very good example, they coped with that abuse for years in civvy street didn't they :rofl:).
  5. Very nice work, even if the bumper stencilling is a bit too neat :whistle: I must show Mrs. N.O.S. those work jeans - she is always muttering about the sad state of mine, which by comparison can only be described as "mint" :-D
  6. That's amazing Adrian, not a subject I would have imagined would be discussed out there in detail. Thanks. Just need a U.S. equivalent site now Oh, and a couple of spare weekends to wade through it all :sweat:
  7. Can anyone give us a run-down on the extent to which steel ammunition boxes replaced wood boxes during WW2, what the basic types looked like (steel and wood) and how the designs changed post war? Were U.S. and British designs different in WW2? Were U.S. ammunition supplies used by British forces and vice-versa? For example here is a post war British box, measuring 17.5" L, 13.25" W, 11.5" H. The lid is stamped BOX F631 MK1 and PMD SV44 65 How does this compare to WW2 styles?
  8. Perhaps - as with all great restaurants - if the food's good, the surroundings don't matter in the slightest! :yay: Not being 'one of the most', what Bedford are you planning to get?
  9. Actually, Les, I think most of them ended up in Leavesley's yard still in their packaging, 200 or more I believe :-D:-D:-D Seemed a crazy waste of money to just dispose of them like that as not a big job to fit especially as they were rigid, not tilting They'd have been a good weekend project for the TA boys. They were probably sold for diddley squat. Mind you Leavesley were asking a lot of money for them. A few years later I got the last but one out of Leavesley's - three were not sold 'cos someone had lost the keys which later came to light. Fully trimmed and fitted out, all parts for conversion including new-style 3 piece front bumper. It has now been sitting in my workshop for 3 years waiting to replace the moth-eaten TL cab on my drill rig (which even has hydraulic tilt :cool2:).
  10. Erm, I wonder if he does GMC CCKW roof linings? I'd certainly be interested in one or two if you are getting a Diamond T one shipped over, Adrian.
  11. Looks like you've run into the back of the Landrover - are you sure you've fixed the brakes? :-D forgot that ever-important smiley!!
  12. Can you tell us more about this painting machine, or give us a name/website? Many thanks p.s. WLF looking good!
  13. If you'd care to share the company details with me too I'd be very grateful! Tony
  14. If (for whatever reason :whistle:) you decide you should really have hose which is approved for automotive use, then it is not easy to find. I had a real job when sourcing some for my Constructor - eventually got it from an oilfield supply co. in Great Yarmouth (a lot of help to you, I know :-D). Not expensive, just a pain to track down! I'll see if I can dig out the name. And then of course you discover that dear old Scammell (bless 'em) made the fittings at each end of some hoses a very slightly diferent size, so the hose end diameters are moulded to match :argh: I've no idea if Explorer ones are the same :???
  15. N.O.S.


    It's not you Degsy - CW's got a 25 tonne bulker load of potatoes to peel :sweat:before his PM privileges are reinstated.
  16. You'd best not forget the oil cooler then.......and don't let the engine rpm drop below 1800....... :banana:
  17. I'm certain High is 1 - 1, and Low is almost 2 - 1, giving a reduction of 50% in speed (or in your case doubling of speed). Just 2 pairs of gears with a mechanical selection. You also have selectable output drive for front axle, and on some a full-power pto drive. They will cope happily with 130 hp, but I don't think 250hp would do them a lot of good and they certainly would not survive a reversal of drive to act as a speed INCREASER with that available torque :shake:. TM boxes are better-sized but very scarce. MJ transfer boxes are not like the heavy old Militant boxes which I believe have been successfully reversed. Also, the Tatra gearbox would be running at up to twice the speed, you could be leaving yourself wide open to a claim gearbox abuse :cool2: I like your way of thinking though!
  18. Would anyone else care to comment on the Metrinch tooling? Looks a very good idea.....
  19. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Before anyone jumps in armed with a copy of the current Planning /Building Regulations, let's all agree that's one brilliant idea!
  20. Although that was a B29 - they must have tried again as my link shows a B36 (Peacemaker?) was used. What a monster!
  21. I came across the information purely by accident - having googled "Dayton 5th Wheel Coupling". What a crazy world. :coffee:
  22. Wow. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.air-and-space.com/Calendar%2520previews/2010%2520Calendar%2520cover%2520Wing%2520Tip%2520Coupling%2520l.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.air-and-space.com/tomtom.htm&usg=__581TwUss-MdOwP8r0sEE8IgHXtU=&h=612&w=792&sz=67&hl=en&start=15&um=1&tbnid=dR_cMzQNO1qneM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddayton%2Bcoupling%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1W1SNYK_en-GB%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
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