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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. It came today. What a fascinating collection of photographs - nicely reproduced, a thorough review of the 4x4 and 6x6s' history, and some great anecdotal stories from users thrown in. It does not claim to be a highly technical book, and I think it is all the better for it - what this publication does really well is to capture the very character of 0853s and 0854s. Well done that man!
  2. That heavy fibre tow rope on the gun carriage is.........heavy!!!
  3. You'll be able to see some GY radials as well as 11 and 12x20s!!!
  4. And it sold for only 99p I believe :shocked:
  5. He missed one on ebay recently, but I just didn't have the heart to tell him. Looks like the tinwork has been badly restored by someone with a fetish for body filler and it needs a good paint job.....
  6. And the driver by the look of it. What did you say, Bodge? Camper driver decamped? :-D
  7. I had a N.O.S. driver's door from a very helpful French forum member whose name escapes me and I can't find the thread - he advertised in the sale section (last year I think). An equally helpful forum member brought it over for me I'll pm you his name in a moment. He can probably put you in touch.
  8. Water carts of this era typically had hinged wooden lids on each side - here's a smaller example, you can see the hinges for the lids.
  9. Give us a clue......:-D There's a thread somewhere on attaching pictures if you're having trouble DTND.
  10. Don't know model number, but ask a good truck breaker for the Bedford 5 speed Turner box. He'll then ask "Direct top or overdrive?" Be ready with the answer....
  11. They are a nice gearbox to use, choice of overdrive 5th or direct 5th. If you went for a direct top you get a closer spread of gears which will allow good performance. Obviously the o.d. top will give you better max. speed, but if your truck struggles to get into top in the 4 speed box it will have an even bigger problem making headway in 5th!! It all depends what you use the truck for - if you get on fine with the 4 speed and just want a faster cruising speed - go for the overdrive 5th. If you want better slow speed peformance in difficult conditions - go direct top. Am I right in thinking the the Bedford flywheel housing or bellhousing needs changing too, as mounting studs for Turner box don't match those of the 4 speed?
  12. They should be ok - My Autocar came home on 12x20s but I changed them for 11x20s (rims seemed to be right ones for 11s). Surprisingly the 12s looked a fair bit more bulbous on the same rims given the small increase in width - the tyre companies usually give a range of rim widths which are acceptable for a specific tyre size so you can check to be certain. (Next week looking better for steering job).
  13. At the risk of stealing Slick's thread - only when cold, usually starts again ok, and nice smooth running. Sticking float needle possible, will look into that. Only recently started doing this, before you could just pull fuel up with primer and fire her up. Stands a long while between running so loss of fuel from carb is inevitable I guess.
  14. Same problem, dry plugs so suggests fuel starvation and a little petrol in carb works fine. Seems to hand prime ok using the lift pump lever, but I wonder if it gets some kind of pressure lock inside the carb bowl as a result of hand priming?? (mine is a Willys with n.o.s. solex carb from Hotchkiss - great carb). I've tried slacking off feed pipe to carb, no effect. Once running no problem at all. Hope to solve it before starter gives out.......very annoying.
  15. Thanks Nick. I'd already found the right hand pic but the left hand one is really nice. I'd assumed this was a budget vehicle built onto a standard commercial 4x2 chassis for Home Guard type of roll. But the left hand pic suggests it might have been intended for use as a front-line machine from the outset....I believe it was a pre-war design?
  16. Aha! That could explain it Les, thanks. :thumbsup:
  17. A view on a B17 base in England - but what is the vehicle? At least we think it is a vehicle. It looks to be armoured. Any ideas?
  18. I'm having nothing to do with this - it's starting to get dangerously out of hand, and as Jack knows I can so easily get led astray..... I wonder how much it could be built for :coffee: New clubhouse lounge and bar maybe?
  19. So how about the B17, Steve? At least the wings were seperate pieces, should help you a bit
  20. Is that a wood or steel body? I can't see the wood for the trees :banana:
  21. On the positive side, fingerprints won't be too much of a problem on the perspex canopy.
  22. I presume by "eldest", you mean R-cubed? :-D
  23. Welcome! Bring the buggy round to the clubhouse paintshop Thursday evening and we'll give it an all-over coat of olive drab and a white star. Models - gawd, more fiddly than the real thing. Check out BBC2, Tuesday 8pm - full-size Airfix Spitfire .....
  24. Tuesday, 8pm BBC2 - James May will supervise the construction of a full-size Airfix style Spitfire kit. Should be interesting. I'd quite like one of those. I've started saving for the B17G model - if it ever gets released. I can't wait for the bit where he hammers a recovery anchor pin into the unopened gigantor tube of styrene adhesive (going on my past experience) :cool2:
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