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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. A flight of Spitfires flew over Ashford a short time ago, heading west back to Goodwood. Apparently the patrols flying out of Goodwood to commemorate Battle of Britain Day were delayed starting until 2pm and thought that I may have missed them. A programme on the event tonight on Channel 4.
  2. Hi Terry, Tim Vibert had a stack of Saracen silencers at one time and I think a dealer bought some back to the UK, so might be worth asking him.
  3. Hi Pete, Here is a wealth of info from the current makers of Layrub couplings. http://produkt.myren.com/butik/prod/trans/open_trans/axelkopp/pin-bush_coup/BN130_-_Layrub.pdf
  4. Looked to be two Spitfires flying across Romney Marsh heading West (Thursday). Best bet they were on way to Goodwood.
  5. Clive, I am not sure that is right. I thought there was a strong connection with BMC / British Motor Holdings, then British Leyland. Looking at Graces Guide and their timeline, seems I was correct http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Pressed_Steel_Co They continued with BL then when the Mini production was set up by BMW, they were drawn into that group, now called Swindon Pressings. They did have a plant at Linwood in Scotland next to the Rootes plant and made the Imp bodies there
  6. Something medical ... like blood transfusion?
  7. It is a gadget invented by Thomas Crapper for unblocking his patent WC ........ see, I know the way for Mystery Objects go !
  8. It looks very like Richard Lindon's pump for blowing up rugby balls, made in 1875 ........ as I see now that your pump is for liquid then this is knocked on the head, unless they water ballasted the balls ...... link with military, maybe army rugby team used them.
  9. The shouldered banjo bolts on Lockheed cylinders are quite normal. You may be able to get one from Richard Banister in UK, I have had them from him in the past, wjrbanister@btconnect.com
  10. Hi Bryan, You are down my neck of the woods. The boat moored at Strand Quay in Rye is a Fairmile B, and this link will explain more; https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fairmile-B-RML-526/851032218289977
  11. Andy Once you have knocked them back a little way, a good pair of pliers gripping the head and a slight twist and they usually come out.
  12. They are called Drive Screws. As you can get the from behind, the easiest way is to get a block of hard wood, drill a hole the size of the head, hold this against the instruction plate, with head in hole to support and simply punch back out. Used these for fitting rebuild plates to engine blocks.
  13. Just found out it was Rob Davies flying it, he had a lucky escape a few years back when a Skyraider flew into the tail of a Mustang he was flying. Major rebuild if you look at the photos here; http://www.kentonline.co.uk/tenterden/news/spitfire-crash-lands-in-field-42807/
  14. A couple of miles from where I work! Says in the report that a wing was torn off. Big gathering of Spitfires and Hurricanes this weekend at Goodwood, supposed to be 40 Spitfires and Hurricanes, plus the Blenheim (make that 39 now).
  15. I have an affection to this particular Austin K5 on the left as I came across it on a farm in Sussex in the late Sixties being used as a grain tipper. Came across it again in early Eighties where a local IMPS member, the late Paul Sutton restored it. I was invited to go with him in it on a MV rally in Belgium in 1987, my first overseas event. Sadly Paul passed away a few years later, but it was his encouragement that my brother and I bought a Bedford QL. Many years later this K5 appeared on the scene again and have kept in touch with the present owner. cheers Richard
  16. Hi Tim, The Saurer was outside the auction tent at Beaulieu Autojumble yesterday, assume it was for sale so maybe a new owner?
  17. Might be too much to ask of the Wilson gearbox !!
  18. Hi Malcolm, We are talking about nearly 30 years ago, but as I recall, there was a short adaptor lead that fitted in to the sparkplug and HT lead and another that fitted in the coil lead. I think you are correct about the clamps, they may well have been connected on the unscreened adaptor leads. Richard
  19. One revolution or less ...... yes that is true.
  20. Terry, Just been through the parts list, that covers all Marks, and in the wheel station section there is no variations listed for particular Marks. The nearest transmission area that does have variations is bevel boxes and I cannot help thinking that whoever wrote that paragraph in the EMER had their wires crossed, it would not be the first time. Had come across this sort of error in EMERs before and had gone unnoticed for years before it was reported. cheers Richard
  21. Providing the head face is perfectly true, I would suggest cutting a gasket out of a piece of copper sheet, a lot of the older motorcycle engines used solid copper gaskets. Make sure it is annealed before using.
  22. Looks like it may be been apart and gears not timed correctly on re-assembly.
  23. Terry, It would be a LH front (if it has the lug for the steering on back and front) or LH centre. Have not looked in to the parts list to see what variations there are. What is wrong with the wheel station on your Saracen?
  24. Sorry Mike, I forgot you were overseas. Guess the news slipped by you. As far as we know at present the event has two more years at Folkestone racecourse, so hope you can make it next year. There were a good number of Aussies visiting this year. cheers Richard
  25. That is because they worked at SdKfz (now Weald) Foundation previously.
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