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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I saw a commercially available straight bar tow that had bent when the tow vehicle bracked, it folded up and the towed vehicle hit right up the rear.
  2. So Mike: Theonly info on the hubs is Superwinch, can't fing a model number. Enigma: Sterring box oil was at level Richard: Looks like your right. I've hunted through all sorts of graphs and calculations, and come to the conclusion the minimum tyre pressure should be about 55 to 60 psi. So will jack it tomorrow.There are no definitive pressure markings on the tyres I can fined but there 14 ply Radial so should be OK.
  3. No Mate! It's the latest in instant tanning! :red: Though she does seem enormously intrigued by what's down the orifce.
  4. Will try all today. Will get details Mike.
  5. Richard. Tyre presure is currently at 40 psi, that's what I use in the bar grips and NATOS. There is a lot more rubber on the road than bar grips. What sort of pressure do you think I should try? Enigma: I'll be doing 'After trip' checks today, I'll have a look and check. Arcot. I find they also make them a bit quieter as the front axle dosen't rumble so much.
  6. I already have free whel hubs on my WC51, and am considering them for the WC54. Maybe because the 54 has truck tyres on but she can be heavy , very heavy on the steering, which the 51 isn't and full lock groans a bit. Does anyone know a supplier and which version of free wheel hub I'd need?
  7. Photos from Jersey http://dhuelinphotography.pixieset.com/liberation2015/
  8. She is absolutly beautiful! Good to see her back in the water were she belongs. A rare privilige to be involved with things like that.
  9. The first recorded Tank on Tank action was during the Great War bettween a German A7V two British Females and a male. Haven't time to check the refernce for dates at the moment.
  10. Spent yesterday Liberation Day parked up next to a Scorpion, wincing every time someone said 'OOH LOOK!!! A TANK'.
  11. Well wether you did the sacrifice, or the God's were laughing so much at your reaction they took pity, the weather did moderate. No joke though it had been rough the two days before. Condor had cancelled all the fast ferries from Poole, so everyone was rushing to Pompey to catch the boat. Even then it was delayed for three hours. I spoke to the Purser he told me it had taken two extra hours to clean up after the last trip. But got here safley and it is the morning of the big day. start parade at midday, about ninetey MV's expected plus the local car clubs. And decent weather.
  12. The Military are very particular! I took a vehicle to Sandhurst College. One of thier monuments is called 'The Mortar' the guy giving me directions told me to turn left and park to the side of The Mortar, and then spent another five minutes explaning in great detail why it was not really a moretar but a Howitzer, it's a man thing ! We like a proper description of our toys. Though the next one to call my Dodges or Discovery the J word is likley to have a long lingering death.
  13. Just got into Portsmouth, blowing 8 gusting 9. Degsey , old friend , most beloved, kiss kiss, can you sacrifice a ram to weather Gods? Hopefully it will calm overnight or the fish may be well fed. :-X :embarrassed: The Condor Liberation might be delayed, as it hasn't been tested in these conditions. Why? Condor hasn't had the conditions to take it out in! You really could not make it up! Note to others who may decide to come down to Portsmouth in an oveheight vehicle, or just to visit. There is now an excellent Park and ride service just before the port exit. £8 per day till 20:30 and return bus trips for up o 8 to town centre, greta for a day around musuems.
  14. This may be of intrest to some: The BBC is hosting a concert in Horse Guards on Saturday 9th May to celebrate the 70th anniversary of VE Day and we would love to invite members of your living history group to attend in allied forces period dress to sit amongst the audience. This concert will be broadcast on BBC One that evening and will feature a series of VTs honouring the service and sacrifice of all three armed forces and it would be great to have members of your group in attendance and add to the party atmosphere. Although we are not able to cover travel expenses or catering, these tickets are completely free and it is sure to be a lively and entertaining evening with a host of top artists performing musical numbers from the World War Two era. Please let me know if this opportunity would be of interest and I will confirm entry times and additional details. Further information about the event and performers can be found at the links below. Should you have any further questions you can reach me via email or on the telephone number below. Best wishes, Tolula Dada BBC Events External Direct Dial: 020 8008 4083 MC5 D5 | Media Centre | 201 Wood Lane | London | W12 7TQ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02p6wp8 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2HzszhnSXKqk1bRpGfwpbrR/ve-day-70-a-party-to-remember
  15. OH P. S. Richard Le Brock has a Scorpion CVR(T) on the Rock, so that will probably be out. Note the WC51.
  16. Course not! :wow: That would make it Anti Tank! Totally diffrent. That's an infantary job! Now the argument about APC and IFV starts?:cool2:
  17. As told to me by a RTR Seargent in charge of three CVR(T) that visited Jersey as part of the Liberation Day celebrations a few years back. The Lieutent Govenor, the Queen's Represenataive on the Island (Jersey and Gurnersey don't have Govenors! The Monarch as Duchess of Normandy rules!) was an Ex Colonel of the RTR. He was delighted in that I called them CVR(T)'s not tanks and knew the brown red and green stripes of the regimental flag meant through the mud and the blood to green feilds beyond. :angel: Originally the tanks were known as the Heavy Section Machine Gun Corps. Then became the Royal Tank Regiment 28 July 1917, and still jealously gaurd the difrrences bettween themselves and the Royal Armoured Corp that only came into being around 1923. Back off to the Rock tomorrow for the 70th Anniversay celebrations next Saturday May 9th.
  18. Acording to the RTR (Royal Tank Tegiment) a Tank is a vehicle designed for combat against other AFV's . A CVR(T) or CVR(W) is a reconnasince vehicle, you look you see you *** Off!
  19. What you DON'T call it is a tank!
  20. Tony B


    Excellent news!
  21. That is as much work as a full scale build! Real respect! :wow:
  22. Tony B


    Out of intrest, what have you set the timing to? The electronic ignition and modern fuel can affect the engine. Cheap enough to replace dizzy cap and rotor arm,
  23. The herd of holligans on the bus are the 10th Essex re-eanactment group and Andy Robertshaw. Lock up your daughter's and booze. :-D
  24. Looking at the guns mount and the number of vehicles pulling it plus barrel lenght. I'd say that was more likley a Howitzer. The Famous Big Bertha was not the gun that shelled Paris, but six Krupp built 420 mm about 15 inch howitzers speciffically built to defeat Belgium border forts. I'd reckon that to be anOBICE DA 305/17 . about 44 were built. 305 is the calibre 17 being the length of barrel as to calibre.
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