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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Question for the Techy's. Is BETA the industry standard Bowlderised version of B*****D? :-D
  2. Except, now you'll probably have H&S insiting on frost wires fitted to the cables.
  3. There proably out trying to grit the roads at the moment.:-D I did know the farrier who went to Dartmoor Prision. They had during the late '70s twenty Dartmoor Ponies supposedly for officers to use in case of escapes and bad weather. Have you seen the size of the avaerage Dartmor pony?
  4. As far as the bridges go. got to support H&S. There were meter square lumps falling and reported five windscreens smashed. Not funny.
  5. Oh JACK!!! Now you know you should have fixed the GMC. Sorry to see that mate. :banghead::noyay: the horses will be feeling it as well.
  6. 'So who forgot to check w ehad the jack?'
  7. Jack, weather round southern edge of London at this time, dull, slushy and miserable, but no travel problems. Sacrifice a Jeep to the weather god's!.
  8. New information though guys: Awating confirmation on class etc from Admiral Catweazle. Fleet Air Arm launch number 236 coxswain Pilot cox sailed from Jersey on Tuesday 17th june 1940 to St malo, taking part in the 'Other Dunkirk'. despite haveing a lot more problems of navigation and enemy action than the Channel Crossing, very little is ever heard about this operation.
  9. Half the trouble is air suspension. Official answer to theory test 'Air suspension is les damaging to historic buildings'. Trouble is when starting off, if some **** runs across the front and you have to brake from slow speed the system hasn't equalised so kicks forward. That plus **** auto boxes that won't decide which ratio to go in at 28 mph, the officicaL tfl speed.
  10. With a MUTT's reputation, the toilet sounds approriate. :shake: A Streeched MUTT limo?
  11. HOW, do you GET a bar and pool table in a MUTT? :???
  12. There may well be an emergency draft of HMVF'ers to Stanstead runway tonight then! :help:
  13. As a research scientist of my aquaintance said to me, 'You want a grant nowadays you have to mention Global**** Warming and carbon reducing posibilities of your work'. As he does military enginnering it is a bit difficult. the latest thing being punted is air conditioning, about twenty years ago HFC's were brought in to DA_DAAAAAAAA Stop making holes in the Ozone layer, and that can lead to increased cancer rates. Now OH Dear it is two thousand times worse than CO2 as a green house gas. So lets replace it with a more friendly coolant we'll use DA_DAAAAAAAAA CO2. You really can't make it up. At least most military vehicles, the air conditioning is the gap in the doors and roof. According to the BBC 'Costing the Earth' if you need to recharge the air conditioning on your low emission super tin box, then the amount of coolant lost is the same global warming efect as driving ten thousand miles. So there you go lads! Why should we feel guilty?
  14. The map would have to be a globe. I for one would love to hear about Forign places.
  15. :rofl::rofl::rofl:Seriously though I do envy Roberto's skill.
  16. I see you've been enjoying the weather as well then. :-D
  17. Some of us will probably be sleping of Saturday. :-D
  18. replicas down in Windsor isn't it? Must get there one day. Those old ldaies did earn thier keep. I've got some pictures of them in War illustrated operating in 1939/40, I'll dig them out.
  19. Silly question what are the chocks chained to the wheels in aid of?
  20. If any of them have managed to get up and down the hills to get to the office this week. :-D
  21. Thursday, foggy miserable, slushy and down right nasty. Most dissapointing after the last few days. Still good thing the 101 has pulled her usual last minute pre MOT stunts. First time pre MOT checks have involved, find stepladder to clear roof of snow and thaw out windscreen washer. Still despite her best efforts she is now MOT'ed and taxed. God and weather she will be at Firepower for the Sunday.
  22. Thing is Neil, who will Mrs B get to push the sledge up the hill to water the horses? If that isn't a reason to get the GMC going, I don't know what is!
  23. Very true about the efficency of insurers re claims. The Volvo is insured with a well known company (claiming nautical connections) As far as claims go ************ usless! trouble is they are also about £200 cheapear than any other. :argh:
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