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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. We need an anorack alert smily, definitley!! :-D
  2. The GOOD news! There will be firing of the guns at Tilly Sur Seulels, next door to a Calvados distilery. Bad news, still have to drive back to camp afterwards.
  3. :argh: All we have got is to threaten the people of Ver Sur Mer with is an ENSA type concert. (And NO! In the intrest of Anglo Normonde relations I won't be singing, dancing or doing bicycle tricks)
  4. Somewhere in the book is the information on how many a Jimmy can carry, I'll look it up .
  5. Hopefully we will get to meet up!
  6. I try to keep mine tidy. For a long time the Dodge went round with genuine Somme mud on her. That has now had to be washed off for a quick repaint, with rollers and brushs. I can't see the point of having a vehicle and treating it like a china horse. Most of her kit is used at shows anyway so it looks it. As for show judges, It's my toy, why care what others think?
  7. Very slightly off topic (Well down the bottom end) Went to the Military Medical exhibition at the Wellcome foundation in London. IT'S FREE!! So took a look round the permenant collectrion.......... :shocked: :blush: Medieval Annee Zummers.
  8. There will be a living history camp at Ver sur Mer, ketle will be on. There will also be a reenactment at Tilly sur Seulles on the Monday, garrison will be firing guns. http://goldbeach.org.uk/
  9. :rofl::rofl:Don't have to drink much Calvados.
  10. The laws have been there for a long time. The Normandy charter just brings therm all into one document. Also ALL flags on vehicles and the sounding of sirens is strictly forbiden.
  11. Got to get a place with a hectare of land, and six or more apple trees! Then according to local Normandy custom you can make your own Calvados! :beer:
  12. Hey we love a good row, er, discussion on here. :-D Thanks for the note on glasses Neil. I do anyway but didn't know it was law.
  13. I'm flattered you think I'd have the nerve to try one out on someone.:-D My nights are much quieter now. :cool2:
  14. I'm sure I've seen pictures of these with a canvas cover to keep cargo dry. Would be essential in some sea conditions to stop them filling.
  15. As this is a 'family forum'. I'll suggest a scold's bridle. That goes on the top end lads! The idea was to stop a woman gossiping (Head down , tin hat on)
  16. The blurb from Brittany ferries, Headlamp adapters, as both my military's are vertical dip, I've not had a problem with this. GB plate, magnetic so it comes off for shows. Warning Triangles, apparently two required in Spain. First aid and Fire extingusher, you MUST stop and provide assisitance at an accident. Reflective vest, for drivers and passengers, spare bulb set Reflective vests must be put on before leaving vehicle so have to be acesable.
  17. Funny to think it was the British and French involved in the arms race, La Glorie, Warrior and Black Prince, Danton and Dreadnought. The most technilogical advandced machines of their times.
  18. Funnily enough!! There may be a suitable place going in Ver Sur Mer. Pro's it is in the middle, got it's own battery and the Goldbeach Musuem (Also the first place trans Atlantic air mail landed) We could always arrange to land the HMVF LST at Arramonche.
  19. Also a first aid kit, and a complete set of replacement bulbs. Mind you there not a bad idea anyway. As for the hi-vi the British advice if you breack down on a motorway is clear out of the vehicle. Having brocken down once on a French minor road, with the triangle duly set. I'd suggset a Stinger behind the vehicle would be a god additional saftey aid.
  20. Tony B


    Now that's getting greedy! :-D Any show plans for them this year?
  21. Welcome, and importantly, did he bring it home?
  22. Tony B


    That will be one good deed well remembered! :-D Talk about leaving in style!
  23. I'm still with Roadsure, they cover the 101 the Dodge and the Range Rover, 'cause it's 4x4 and modified. As for the Volvo, I did ask them but their advice was 'We'd love to quote, but it would be enormus, we don't cover normal vehicles, try one of the comparison sites'. :???
  24. Unfortunatley the proper DUKW's got worn out. they were replaced for many years with purpose built German vehicles , don't know manufacturer and were known as 'Puddleducks'. Then local polotics got involved. :shake:
  25. Well if Mark is feeling helpful, you may get a whole new Helicopter experince posted. (Trouble is Ize a carot crunching country boy, can't post technicoil):cool2:
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