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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. You must have said your prayers the night before!
  2. OH SHUDDUP!!! I'm sitting here frothing, everything ready just want to get going now! :shake: Weather looks good! Try Metcheck france Cartret. That's local to the beaches.
  3. Manuel you are a truly amazing engineer!
  4. BE veeeery carful CW. Snapper and Jack will be looking for magazine articales. :cool2:
  5. Stephano which end! You know why he whistles so much? So he knows which end he is speacking out of. This from Phil P just abouts sorts it! In Gordon Browns home town it has been suggested that they should erect a statue to him. Discussions have been held on it's siting. They thought at first that they erect it next to the one of David LLoyd George MP but he never told the truth. The second thought was that it should be next to the one of George Washington but he never told a lie. It has been decided to erect it next to the one of Columbus for the following reasons: When he set off he didn't know where he was going. When he got there he didn't know where he was. When he returned he didn't know where he had been. He spent other peoples money doing it!
  6. Bloody hell Mate!! Got the crystal ball on super charge! Thank you oh font of all knowledge! :bow:
  7. Mind you been have trouble with a local Moogy P** in the garden! :cool2:
  8. Can someone tell me what year is covered by the letters EL? Number one son has bought the SWB ffr, he keeps coming up with 'Well WE'. Whose this WE paleface? Your toy you fix it! :-D
  9. Beatiful place, muust visit one day. Nice to see the Axis vehicles.
  10. So NOW we know why Jack wouldn't be balded at Bunker bash. He was saving it to tear out later! Note To Self: Christmas present for Jack, The Complete Auto Electrics Book.
  11. Looking at that design. Was that the design used to build five unarmed blockade runners, designed to collect special steels and metals from Swededn? As does anyone know if any survive?
  12. Catweazle? Have you changed your name to Poby? (Those of a certain age will get it) Your right mate it has been the law since damn near the dark ages, use anything in the course of a crime to make people think it is a firearm, and you have commited a firearms offence! Including a finger in the pocket!!
  13. The Queen to visit Normandy at Brown's whim? I think I'll go and ******* being a Jerseyman, our alligence is to the Her Majsty through her title Duchess of Normandy, as that title dates to before 1066, english poloticians can go and , well I bet he ainm't payingg his own ferry fare. :argh:
  14. Travelling a well worn route for the Aussies then. hope to meet up.
  15. Tony B

    triumph h

    Lucky **********
  16. Quite amazing what uses the trucks have been put to post war. I'dlobve to have the money to restore the crane truck 'As is'. I know its been 'Butchered' from the purist point of view, but still fascinating.
  17. Just in from France. The Roads around the beaches will be shut from 09:00 to 18:00 on the 6th. what I did last time was be very polite to the Gendarmes, and drove along the beach. :-D
  18. You mean stuck on a tuffet about three hundred yards from the proper people ? :-D
  19. One way is if you have an old CO2 fire extingusher, flush it out with that. Petrol is only explosive within certain levels of vapour. If the tank has been washed out and left open to air, you should be all right. Blowing plenty of cold air from air compressor can flush out the last of the petrol. If you can still smell petrol in the tank be wary.
  20. The good thing about musuems, they are there all the time. Visiting places such as Normandy outside the busy period does have its advantages.
  21. Unfortunatley Degsy, our own home grown ***** are just as guilty of 'band wagon jumping'. Never mind, fortunatley, the Very Distingushed Visitors, the Vetran's, have always been the most honoured by the local people. The Calvados Region has made it very clear that any poloticians of any hue are unimportant.
  22. Happy Birthday old boy! Congrats keep on going!
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