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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Thank you good sir! We did our humble best!. :-D
  2. You did look tired , but happy when I met you. Never get that sort of fun on the buses. :-(
  3. Welcome Martin and remember! Bikes are military vehicles to! There is (established after much work) a bike shed at the clubhouse.
  4. Thanks for the compliments on Ver Sur Mer. :-D We'll need to organise a gallery of the best Normandy picture, there will be a few thousand.
  5. Seems to have impressed the ladies though.
  6. Evidence of the of a strange phonemon around Normandy has come to light.
  7. Down our bit it was chucking it down! Didn't stop the visitors though.
  8. In case anyone out there is still doubting the value of BoBMF. June 6th 2009 Goldbeach at 18:00 hours.
  9. Yeah YOU lot seem to have nicked all the good weather!
  10. Cheers Neil, just got back from Normandy, lots of piccis soon.
  11. You got the dry bit then? :n00b:n Just back today, what a trip.
  12. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::yay: Off today!!!! 60 vehicles about 120 people arrive Ouistreham 16:00 Thursday.
  13. Pain au Chocalat, with Calvados, my French breackfast. :-D
  14. Early stuff uses a black tarred twine with hessian, thicker than the '50s string,
  15. Oh thats nasty! Just think no 'Wind in the hair' moment:-D
  16. There will be road closures around the beaches area on the 6th June. Check when you get there. Safe trip all.
  17. Thanks folks, now feeling veeeeeery old. Good old BOAR in Belgium. There you go Jack, before and after. :cool2:
  18. OUCH! That is a real nasty!
  19. Problem with this idea lads! Soldiers consider it part of thier moral code and a point of honour to PROTECT the weak and febble.
  20. Looki for the one running about like a chicken with it's A** on fire at the docks. That'll be me. :-D
  21. Might be lucky and get the two! :cool2:
  22. AH BAD dates! May well be in Jersey at that time.
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