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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Keep the kettle on late! should be in about midnight.
  2. No General, the waranty is invalid! It clearly states cold wash only!
  3. Welcome Chris! Where abouts in that lovley country are you? Be careful! A green convoy may turn up demanding tea and biscuits.
  4. Stick in a plug Andy Robertshaw's and Dave Kenyon's book Digging the Trenches.
  5. We can always sacrifice Jack's locks to the weather God's.
  6. Welcome, you'll have plenty of company sobbing over DVLA and lighter bank accounts.
  7. try Military Media Productions.
  8. God luck Jules, that's the reason for testing a radiator 'It looks all right'.
  9. Don't go there!! Yes number one son is drooling as we speack. Trouble is HE'll have to save for it!.
  10. Like the A team, umpteen million rounds and never hit anyone! :n00b:
  11. Silly sounding advice given to me before the PCv test, got very nervous. The examiner advised me to take a couple of aspirin before the test. Worked wonders didn't get stiffnes ache with nerves.
  12. Being Fick! With such a complicated thermostat set up. Are they in the right way round?
  13. When you know your'e dealing with experts. I did wonder how the Stirling quieted the action. Being an open bolt, the mass is critical and of course you would get some gas escaping on ejection. On the revolver side, SOE did produce a padded sort of glove that a revolver would fit into, one shot only and quite hairy to use I'd have thought. Makes me laugh when you see the 'baddy' in a film shove the barrel against a pillow and all you here is 'phut'.
  14. De Lisle is back in production apparently!
  15. No we are the sane, it's the rest out there! :shake:
  16. Welcome, hope to meet soon.
  17. Baaa! AAAARE you taking the P*** My Welsh anscestors have found two new uses sheep, wool and meat! :cool2: In my college days it was a least a warm place for your hands on a February night! I've just thought of an old Australian song about sheep. Just for Jack! It goes 'Clip went the shears boys, clip clip clip. '
  18. Any moderator is only efficent for a small number of rounds anyway. And they should use subsonic rounds,
  19. There was also AM's rival GI Joe! And all the books , records of sound effectsd etc. Remember collecting teh stars for free gifts?
  20. There were some silver plated or chrome Lee Enfeild number ones found with Saddam's bodygaurds. Funny thing, they'd been de activated. :cool2:
  21. and have you seen the prices the originals now fetch? Had a chest of drawers full of the stuff. :shake:
  22. Tony B


    It would have been easier to carry a hi lift jack you know! :-D
  23. Welcome to the forum. Someone should be along with the info you want very soon.
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