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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The British DID make some classic war films, Battle of Britian, Guns of Navarone , the cruel Sea. Unfortunatley the British film technichnicians now make films with American money for American audience, hence such traverstys as the Americans capturing the Enigma machine from U101. why let the truth get in the way of profit?:banghead:
  2. Maybe see you on the way, or there.
  3. The mags look more like the Bee Hive shape of Hispano's.
  4. Otherwise known as 'The Vomit Comet'. :-D
  5. Officially known as 'Aquired Rights' yes they do exist. Personal kit is allowed.
  6. Petropatch works very well. It cosists of a cloth that is put over the hole then a grey goo is applied. I can state it lasts at least 15 years. I've got a tank sealed with it to prove it.
  7. Cool it guys!! Fortunatley we will be meeting the real Normon'es. Let the poloticians play their stupid games.
  8. May be on the same ferry as you Dave!
  9. From what I hear even the French don't like Sarkozy. I know a French lady who works at a national musuem over here, who was kept away fron him when he visited in case she started on him.:-D
  10. Fortunatley the people of Normandy aren't baised. They like the British over there. As safariswing says, let the poloticians play their games. I'm going over to se friends and enjoy the place and the people.
  11. Depends on what fault you find. Normally 'That will be expensive'. :-D
  12. COMPLIMENTS!!! I'd better go for a lie down :sweat:
  13. As tax payers we do foot the bill. I consider the BoBMF to be a far better way to spend money than some politicians husband spending it on dirty vidios or bathplugs.
  14. Welcome TM, as said as many of us as posible are off to Normandy. Number one son will love you, he has concived the idea of an ex military bike. I;ll stick to four wheel and at least a bit of canvas over the bonce.
  15. Welcome , you are amongst friends, slightly odd friends , but friends.
  16. I'll say this, ANY interior is better then the standard kit! Pig by name Pig by nature built by British Craftsmen , driven by Masochistts. :-D
  17. True Degsey, but, for the sake of an email asking if any special arrangements are needed to go into or through France could save a lot of cost and embarresment.
  18. I've e mailed the French consulate in London, see what they have to say.
  19. If you have a constant empty reading, the current isn't getting through. Short the gauge to earth it should read full. Despite what Land Rover say an extra wire from the tank float to a good earth is worth doing. Just a piece of wire.
  20. A long tow can also do it! That's the answer to my Isuzui when playing up. It is possible to get in line hand pumps, rubber bladder things. My experience is that have a having of splitting regularly. I would agree crack the injectors. However!! Are you sure any flexiable fuel lines are in good nick?
  21. God man!! Exactaly like I take it. :iloveyou:
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