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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Before we all run Jim down. Let's face it, there but for the grace of God go any of us. We've all done silly things.
  2. Just an attitude thing, for the more distingushed ones amonst us! (Degsey , CW , Me and now Mark!) :cool2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49GavdGWtac
  3. When are this years pictures going on the BB website?
  4. Bikes as well!! Welcome, welcome my man! :-D Just to add the icing to the cake has the Renault got the bolt on 4x4 kit? They were fabulous little vehicles, really impresive cross country even as 4x2.
  5. Can I clarify something? That wiring is in a proffesionally restored vehicle?
  6. As for the Virgin plane, well a muumy plane and a daddy plane..... :-D Yes they were at Buggin, came in very low over Green Street Green, so no doubt teh neighbours will complain! Another quite poiniant thing, probably not planned, a ME109 followed by a Spitfire flew right over the memorial to seargent John Ellis on Warren Road.
  7. Tony B

    Vulcan XL426

    I remember a Vulcan displaying in Jersey as a kid. It flew low over St Aubins bay, leaving a bloody great wash behind , as I was in a Wayfarer at the time, dam near capsized! But oh boy was it fun!
  8. And if you are at W&P bring the 4!! I'll breack a LONG HABIT AND COME DOWN FOR A RIDE! :iloveyou:
  9. I se you have managed to capture the usual expression of someone under a MV wit a spanner perfectly!! :-D :yay: I love the little bits of humour you put in. makes it more interesting by far, :yay:
  10. I think the top one is actually an 18/25 pounder. They were all lost at Dunkirk. I belive the spiking procedure was ranm a shell down the barrel from the front then put a round in the breech and fire by long lanyard.
  11. Welcome, it's nice to see the old Renault 4's, I used to drive them! (Back about the time you were thinking of entering the world :shake:)
  12. Funny enough Ken, spent an afternoon a couple of weeks back at Andy B's dig at Shooters Hill, it's fascinating what is virtually on your door step. A complex defence point in one of the posher parts of London! The point was expert guidance on the dig. The results were amazing,. A vist to a place like that and the chance to have the experts explain things makes me only more determined that such places should only be dug under supervision.
  13. At least my bike is over fifty years old! :-D But I do take the 101 abroad,
  14. I hope you lot got pictures!! Been grumping in dead stop traffic on the A21 near Biggin all day, wishing I was there!
  15. The classic I heard was a very distraught 'The Rover's over, over!' :-D
  16. Where abouts in country are you? I know agood place just south of London. As for resistors, Maplin's do a wide range, trouble is the wattage you have to cope with
  17. Agree with you, also the best freeing oil, a mix of burnt gear oil and disiel, found this combination by chance but works on evrything.
  18. I think the best ever discription of Saracen's in service has to be Tom Sharpe's Riotus Assembly. :-D
  19. And they think delinquent youth is a new phenomonen! :cool2: When I got the Gipsy, one of my favourite tricks was to sit on la Haule slip. If you went straight down onto beach and swung left fine hard sand, Swing right you sunk. Hire Cars in Jersey are not allowed on the beach, one , you commit a criminal offence for which you can get fined, Two the hire company will cancel the agreement and take the car back there and then. Both facts clearly marked on aggrement. I would wait till a hire car parked on the slip and then go onto the beach to turn round. 99 % would swing right. I'd then offer, for the huge sum of £5, about 15 gallons of petrol, to pull them out. Following the explitives I'd point out the clauses on the hire contract. £15 a week was a good wage at the time. At the height of the season I'd earn £20 a week!. :n00b:
  20. Thanks for drawing attention, will have a happy time nosing round that site. Edit: Going righht ******** off you Richard!! Fed Jersey into the search engine on the site, got rewarded by the sight of a seven year old little oik driving round on ago-kart at Bellevue!! Hell did I ever look that young!. Even ended up working there later to earn money for college!
  21. Welcome, who needs sat nav with a Land Rover? Lays oil drips like breadcrumbs.
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