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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Enough please enough ... OK I confess, Whatever it is I did it!! :shake::shake::shake::shake:
  2. Funny as in 'Funny , peculiar?:???
  3. Moron's always welcome, stops the rest of us feeling lonley! :-D
  4. I got this new deoderant! The istructions said 'Remove lid, and push up bottom! I can hardly walk but when I 'Breack Wind' (thinking of mods there!) The room smells lovley!:computerrage:
  5. This thing about' rest' is complicated. Rest is defined as 'Time which you can dispose of, as you wish'. It can then be argued that you choose to 'dispose' of your time by going to a show.
  6. Got to be the petrol. More correctrly the Dieseil engine uses the petrol block. Land Rover first introduced a Disiel in 1957, stretching the wheel base two inches to do it. Pity they still haven't got it right.
  7. Will the show continue? A loss to the transport, vehicle show world in general.
  8. Tony B


    As was pointed out to me once. What is 'original ' about worn gear? When it was in service if a bit broke it was replaced with new.
  9. Welcome in. There has been discussion on steam vehicles in military use latley. You might actually know the answers!
  10. Welcome, usual request Post Pictures!
  11. So blame it all on the Missis? Don't mention the broom! The mud on the club house floor is getting beyond a joke!
  12. More info straight from scource? OHHH yes plaes!
  13. Yeah, but, why is it the neuteral countries always come up with the best kit?:-D
  14. Welcome Dusty, though more just mud this side of the pond at the moment.
  15. Welcome in,, post pictures! Or be prepared for an invasion of demented MV owners and enthusiats!
  16. The VCR is a Pain, in any part of the anatomy. Not to mention Bloody pointless. Get a bunch of mates and form the MV Am Dram Society, then claim the MV are there as a 'Artful, dramatic' exibition. You'd then fufuil the requirment under VCR and proably get a grant from the Art's Council. Squash a few cars as a 'Statment of the Consumer Society's waste of rescoures in entertainmet. Humm, scratch that , may try the idea myself. 'Dear Sir, I have an inspirational art idea for display, just send me £80,000,000 and get ready for the auctuion of 'Art Work' afterwards'
  17. Yes, I've contributed to them as well. Nice to keep up with the American Dodge world.
  18. The blue softer stuff is better for canvas etc. The biggest sin was doing away with baler wire! God's gift to feild repairs. :argh:
  19. Spares etc try this place, lots of advice on oil burning domesticals as well. http://www.base-camp.co.uk/default.htm
  20. Can't be a guine farmyard vehicle ! Where's the bailer twine?:-D
  21. When you have ben infected by the green disiease, don't buy a Jeep, buy a Dodge! With the bedford, add any history or numbers, details of any data plates on it. I wonder if it may have served time a snowplough?
  22. Years ago we had a rigid raider as a saftey boat at the Sailing School in Jersey, twin 60 hp Johnson's. God it was fun!!!
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