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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Whose is the 54? :wow: Love to get a shot like that of mine!
  2. Hi Brian and welcome. I'll be asking all sorts of stupid questions of you soon over a SWB Landy belived to be ex Berlin.
  3. Intresting discussion guys! It back up the story that when the US decided to update their vehicles in the 1930's the jsut issued a basic specification and let the industry get on with, becuase of all the complications during teh Great War. I always hypothisies that the US needed trucks, so developed them, while the main mover in UK was the railways.
  4. Hey Ole, Don't forget to get some sleep this week. The great handover will be the 17th of March. Camera's will be compulsory. this lot are the best scource of help, advice, and comedy I know.
  5. Try owning an Austin Gipsy!.. No it is not a Land Rover ...Jeep.... Haflinger... Champ ...Ozalam Bird..... :banghead: Mind you 'Let's go for a ride in my classic open American vehicle' is a good chat up line on a Summer's evening
  6. Knowing Copper's, the poor bloke won't be allowed to forget that for awhile! :shocked:
  7. Hey Mike, I'm suprised an engine like that hasn't been ripped out and sold abroad. Lucky find.
  8. Remeber the fist, or you won't be able to stick two fingers up to anyone!
  9. Hey Goran, the ladies are built to work! The more mine works the better she goes! As for finish, I had to clean the genuine Somme mud of mine to touch up really bad paint. It broke my heart!
  10. Tim, SAFTEY WARNING: See thread what's normal in your house. If you are prepared to rsik mind and sanity , welcome in and pull up whatevers handy to sit on.
  11. Hey! I loved Mr ED!! Anymore from you and I'll start singing :yawn: A horse is a horse, of course of course And no one can talk to a horse of course Except of course there is the horse and that is Mr EdDDDDDDDDDDDD>>>>>>>> Second verse? Anyone?:stop::shocking:
  12. 'Overseas' runs are great fun. You make a lot of friends and have a lot of laughs, and a few tears at Remeberance parades. On one ocasion I took The Great Great nephew of somone who had fallen on the Somme to lay a wreath at his Uncle's grave, on the 90th anniversary of his death. She was also escort to the Hearse at a friend's funeral, he had requested it shortly before he died. Good or bad the Old Lady does it. Where ever you go you generate great intrest, which can be a pain if all you want is a quiet beer. But hey, we don't own them! We are keeping them in trust for the future and to honour those who have and still do serve! (Off soapbox, back to bar!:-D)
  13. Michelk, try a Dodge, there is a suprising amount of room, some of your country men fit them! :-D Joris has one. They are actually more comftable than a Series 3 Land Rover. I have nearly your height, and proably more portly a figure.
  14. You got teh snow! John would feel very nostalgic! We've had umpteen days of bl**dy rain! No work done, the yard is just to slippery to walk on.
  15. Anyone got a copy of the English instructions for this stove? I just aquired one and the instructions are in French and German. The sotve is a Turley & Williams Lts, Birmingham. There is one flea pit at the moment said to be World War 2 at £110. Considering the instructions on mine are in French and German, I doubt the WW2 age. The French copy bears the Cat No QM 656-2810
  16. Welcome in, Not long till the show season starts.
  17. You'd fit a Land Rover, they have the advantage of cheap and basic. You'd fit a Dodge, they have the advantage of a lot of fun to drive to own, while being easy to mantain, either would fit most gagrages, but you'd have to take the canvas of a Dodge.
  18. The military choir needed a soprano?
  19. Rough translation 'Fly with wisdom of science'.
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