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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Definitley looks the age, like a cut down version of the big air raid siren. As a long shot, might it have been for something like a narow gauge military railway vehicle? Its the terminals that are making me think it was not designed to be exposed to the elements to much.
  2. What the gun or coffe table? :-D
  3. There was some thumping great Axis artillery around the Atlantic Wall, Take a look at You tube there are some shots of heavy rail stuff. It semed mostly to be used on the Eastern front. I wonder if it may be from the Paris Gun? That is commonly, and completly incorrectly called 'Big Bertha. If so don't publish adress, I wouldn't be able to resit a quick night time dash across the Channel... The brain is jogging that there is a rail gun in a musuem round the area. http://www.warmuseums.nl/gal/040gal.htm
  4. Welcome Iain, I remeber the old 1155, the 'Lancaster bomber' radio. Your help and advice is particullaly welcome at the moment. A lot of radio chatter on the forum.
  5. They do look like the answer Joris. Try your baraganing skills. I'd try and avoid a 'take out' engine, you don't kniow where its been. A garrunted short of FE engine might be more expensive, but you know its going to work. If nothing else they may be able to put you in touch with an enginnering place that would rebore yours.
  6. Search for ages, then they turn up out of the woodwork by the dozen!!!! :banghead:
  7. No Wolfy, see the thread about a Bren drum mag. The drum was deleveloped to give the Bren a decent antiu aircaraft capability, along with the catridge catch bag. So in the spirit of Adapt , improvise and overcome. a Bren with a drum mag would work, trouble is how would you swivel it? I could see it being carried as dismount weapon, and if you had a guy built like an ox, maybe waist fire from a vehicle. But to be honest fire any weapon from a fast moving vehicle, you're lucky to hit the sky. The SAS tactic on airfeilds was shock and awe, hit fast a lot of stuff flying but slow to specifically hit a target. On any vehicle mount it pays to restrict the arcs to prevent such nasty occureences as shooting the driver, hitting your own engine....:-D As for windscreens in combat, I know lets have a B***y great heliograph telling the enemy where we are, with the bonus of it spraying us with nasty sharp fragments if hit.
  8. The SAS preffered Vickers K guns, not LEWIS guns on their jeeps. the K may look like a Lewis but is a tottaly diffrent beast. A Bren on a Jeep might look Macho, but efective, I'd doubt that. Low mag capacity and slow rate of fire for a moving vehicle. The Bren SF tripod is a large beast , the butt of the gun fits on the very back of it don't reckonm ir would fit on the bonnet.
  9. Welcome Ian, it's not nuts to like Land Rovers. Tottally insane maybe?
  10. Don't think it is a vehicle siren. British taste up to the late 1960's was much more genteel. We preffered the ringing of a bell.
  11. Great stuff! Couldn't have gone to a better owner! :-D
  12. I wonder if that would actually work. For a start where do the ejected cartridges go?
  13. Hey Lee, is that the pump straight out of the barn? Great to see it has a new home. Looks a lot better than I thought it would be! :-D
  14. Very welcome Richard. Never offer to answer questions, your life will be to short! Post pictures, we all love pictures!
  15. Come on the Yanks did have a handicap, MRE's. A mate who was out there said for a couple of rat packs you could get any US kit! :-D Paddy Ashdown came out with a beauty 'The British worry about their men on the ground, the American's worry at fifteen thousand feet'.
  16. welcome Pete, drag up a piece of floor.
  17. Hi and welcome, all Dodge owners well recived, the Ferrets are getting uppity again!
  18. Degsey, Katy the WC54 has Norwegian Clover leaf, and Bodge has been singing there prasies. As the Volvo may only be critically ill, not quite dead,( it shredded the cam belt on Monday morning! :blush: but the cams still move and it was low speed so may have got away with it). I will hopefully be back in the market for some. I've one usable NDT left in stock at the moment, so if I change type I'll need five for mine plus one for Katy, one of hers has bulged. Six lottery numbers would also be a great help. :-D Next stupid question, anyone know anywhere in UK that can actually supply the type? John is right the 101 has the same size. I was perhaps a bit to genourous when I sold mine, I let two spare NDT go with it! But as Degsey said about the rim angles, are the type for a 101 going to fit properly on the Dodge rims? The clover leaf don't seem to have a problem.
  19. And how much weight di you suddenly loose? :-D
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