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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Not coming out of 4 wheel low? 1 Remove yellow knob from top of low ratio lever. 2 Remove spring 3 insert large washer over the low ratio selector 4 replace spring and knob 5 work high ratio lever back and fore. Works most times.:-D The low ratio return spring wears through the botton of its mount and won't push back up. If youhave a particularly stubbourn b***** run in reverse a few feet before operating high ratio lever. Batterys need a proper tester, your local car shop should have one. Repalce with a matched pair.
  2. Have you checked all the drive belts are at the correct tension, I've just had this hassle with a vehicle. So easy to miss.
  3. Bent metal can always be fixed! People not so easy. Great news the guys are finally get kit up to the job.
  4. What is a crime? A Jewish Surgeoun said to me the biggest crime of the Holacust was that the medical experiments were so badly done, nothing useful came out of them. To him, and I agree it meant all those who suffered, suffered pointlesly! There was no benifit to their suffering. Except from Luftwaffe hypothermia experiments, most modern treatment is based on that research. But survivors of the Holaucast benifited from the suffering during Indian Famines, treatments developed there were used to treat camp survivors. One major problem of history, we are judging by OUR social norms.
  5. Welcome, we'll have to build another clubhouse across the pond. About 15,000 acres should be enough.
  6. Funny how every mass produced vehicle is diffrent to the next one. :-D There were two versions of the T 214 engine, one is longer, but at this time of night can't remember the diffrences, ask Gordon M, he'll know.
  7. Good old range warning note! Not that loud though. I still reckon it was something to do with the Australian Ranges.
  8. I knew a man who wa sthe bouncer at Mothercare! :-D:-D
  9. Latest update. The Jersey Evening Post have been very kind, and sent me this. It was published on 11th August 1944. Bear in mind, this is an English publication, under German control, published in the United kingdom, for a British audience. The Evening Post still has better than 80% coverage of the Island's population. Civillian radios had been confiscated in 1940, and listening to the BBC on hidden crystal sets was litterally to put your life at risk.
  10. Maybe not, but it would power it! Can't you sell spare electricity back now?
  11. Nix problem mate! The best Military vehicle of WW2 and Burma/India. See problem solved! :-D
  12. Welcome Luc. Heres a couple of pictures to start you off. From a Belgian Tender vesel. http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/hmd/resourcesearch.pl
  13. Creche Rosie? Haven't you enough problems already with the senile amongst us? :-D
  14. Welcome Paul. Treatment for Champitis is available here, not always succssful though.
  15. Welcome Ken, Australia and Vietnam are an intresting combination.
  16. welcome Paul, there are a number of us around Kent, so you won't be lonley.
  17. Blimey Adam, take it all on at once. Congratulations and good luck! :-D
  18. Welcome Rich. That looks a fun toy, good luck with rebuild.
  19. Either that or you're back checking the wiring to the gauge, again.:-D
  20. The pictures of the camera gun in another thread are very similar to the K, never seen the Go to my knowledge.
  21. Unless it's for an artillery piece, or some other crew served weapon, not a vehicle? Recuperator oil or some such.
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