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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. If you have to store wagon outside. Gwet a breathable caravan cover. Mine has done thre years now, great! Keeps the vehicle dry inside and out, light to use and soft on paintwork.
  2. Be wery wery carful Degsey Mon V! Hallowen coming up. :cool2:
  3. Welcome, you'll find plenty of like minds here.
  4. Just upgraded the ram on my computer. No time now make tea as Forum loads. Can I recommend this place? Ordered yesterday arrived today and £12.75 cheapear than local supplier. www.orcalogic.co.uk
  5. Welcome all weird people here, we can't cope with normallity.
  6. Welcome Steve, that practical joke of hiding in Jack's sock cubord was great. We never saw you!
  7. Well I'll admit to be twisted, But I don't flash! :stop: Something are just to horrible to contemplate.
  8. A Dodge command car. For many many years an old blue J**p stood by the side of a barn in Jersey. Regardless the guy wouldn't sell it. Even had 'Not For Sale' painted on the bonnet. Then just disappeared. Another was a 1 ton Himber used as a breackdown truck, that ended up as scrap, and German truck, type unkown (I was only about 12 or 13) Without the old K3 and MW used by farmers to cart spud barrels to the harbour.They just disappeared. Mind you German Feild telephones were about ten bob a pair. If I knew then! :banghead:
  9. Sorry to lower the tone of the discussion. But part of the reason that USAAF recived British vehicles might have been cost. The USAAF and the US charged the British for everything supplied. The British however supplied equipment to the US forces F.O.C. Tyres though, if you see pictures of vehicles ready to be shipped from US they have the skinniest tyres usable, and no spare. Most rubber at that time came from Malaya, which was of course smack in the middle of the Far east war zone.
  10. Welcome along, we just have to move Jack's private Bear from the clubhouse airstrip for you.
  11. Having had a hunt about. It appears to be a strange object for a tankie to have. EXCEPT!!! The Depression Range Finder is a costal artillery, Naval device. So as the original Tank Corps had a lot of Naval input, maybe someone brought it across? The maker J Hicks is intresting in himself. He seems to have had a lot of patents on various technical , scientific instruments.
  12. Isn';t OFCOM to be part of the much vaunted Bonfire of the Quango's?
  13. But if they exempt any more vehicles, the Goverment will loose money, no VEL to pay for anything but roads. If I remember corectly isn't the 25 year rolling exemption mearly 'suspended' at 1973?
  14. Jonshon's weathersheild will proof the canvas but not colour it. There has ben much discussion of this in the past. Still don't know the answers. There does not seem to be a paint speciffically for canvas.
  15. Is it me or does the first vehicle look as if it has a Gazogoine system fitted?
  16. One classic a lot of years back now. Outside Wotton Basset. A truck with a puncture on a bridge. The mechanic managed to jack the bottle jack through the bridge.:-D
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