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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The good thing is if the younger generation do enjoy the shows and want to be involved, the vehicles we have all worked so hard to restore and keep have a secure future. As a hobby we have to encourage the next generation. (Soapbox away for the night)
  2. Whinge if Police don't do the job, whinge if they do. If you want to take a stupid risk and get caught, your choice. I would rather have Police coming round shows, walking and talking.
  3. Decent weather and a great fun. Apart from the Musuems own toys there w ere only thre military vehicles, however quality not quantity. Also Paul who owns the Triumph is having a problem. The bike was OK to start with but after a few runs when selecting lowest gear there is a rattle. The rattle goes when the clutch is deppresed. It's a cable clutch. It appears the lock nut on the cable has worked loose also the clutch actuator bar can be pushed back when the lever is released. The grease around the cable is very sticky as the bike has stood for while. Suggestions from MC experts please.
  4. I've got to get something like that! They all seem to come with attractive females!
  5. Beautiful truck in it's own right! If it brings a smile to a pretty girls face, so much the better!
  6. Chris, I used to work in a Police Control room. I can tell you umpteen stories of wasting Police time. :-D
  7. That sounds very like an immersion suit. The picture is very like the civillian type, but dosen't apear to have the pflotation. Is the padding apparently very thick? That would be the mark of a flotation jacket. They are extremly hard wearing and insulating jacket. Top range and them some.
  8. Post pictures! As for the Y Service track, there are a few pictures about. I'll send you a PM.
  9. Rug proofer leaves the canvas supple.
  10. Makes more sense if the kit was Fleet Air Arm than RAF. Out of intrest, is there any flotation built into the jacket? This is a trade mark of Beaufort kit. One thing for sure, it is and always has been ******* expensive! Mind you if you think your life is cheap, buy cheap kit. The obvious that comes to mind is SBS or RM Commando use. http://www.rfdbeaufortmarine.com/
  11. What is it about Australian's and big vehicles? I suppose you ahve plenty of room to play. Welcome along.
  12. Yes mate, very simple. The cars were used as radio vehicles. The box would have driven a generator similar to the ones fited to QL's. It maaay be, but if proven would be only the second one known to exist, a Y Service interceptor vehicle.
  13. Cabriolet! :-D What the picture does demonstrate is that the body is not intregal to the strength of the vehcile. So if the rest is sound it is just a carpentery job.
  14. Pastparts also do obscure brake parts.
  15. Both Beaufort (More known for naval and sea survival kit) And Barbour made approved 'private purchase kit'.
  16. After this thread, I wouldn't dare ask about the theme. :red:
  17. Does the noise disapppear when you isolate the electrics? If so, check the distributor cap and leads and plug first.
  18. You could use the leotards as nappies! Or perhaps Jack should have some thongs made as well?
  19. He will be under very strict orders! :-)
  20. I'll get Number One son onto that! He's Croydon TA!
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